
It doesn’t have a 6 speed manual...

This is the missing link between the first and second XXX movies!

The only reason they continue to get away with this crap is because it’s never challenged in court. When will someone actually challenge Nintendo on this bullshit?

Dude... totally wrong take here.

Hard to get fuel out of tank that won’t hold any (a second time).

This is so Tampa.

The GBA with a flashcart is good stuff and mostly durable too, definitely do the battery and backlight mods.

Microsoft’s first huge fuck up... Oh wait.



Last year I modded my old OG GBA with a backlist screen, USB charged, bigger battery, and an upgraded amplifier/speaker and use an EverDrive-GBA X5. It’s pretty awesome and def the best way to play LeafGreen on the go.

If only a brand that knows how to make cars could just license the battery/motor tech from Tesla... This shit is just sad.

I don’t really care for this map on any game mode that isn’t more than 4v4. It’s just slightly too big and should be 6v6 minimum (or 5?). Any vehicle can make it unbalanced. etc.

This guy develops the app for Fest, totally badass.

Halo might as well be a face punching simulator for me. I somehow do positive kdr consistently.

It would have to be reliable enough to be warrantied for at least 100k miles. That includes both of the transmission options, both 6 speed manual and CVT. Also needs to push at least 180 HP at the wheels, with an economy and performance variant.

I never believed Atriox was dead. They only mentioned it line once or twice and then never stated how. They’re clearly setting up for more campaigns, which I’m all for.

Forza Horizon 4 and 5 are my faves for the past 4-5 years.

Do it like Leagues did, make communication punishments evermore punishing until outright bans on voice/text chat is banned for all that aren’t in your party.

Why wouldn’t Spotify incentivize existing subscribers to not leave by offering a feature their competitors do?