
Combine the Dakota’s, Carolina’s, and Virginia’s... Rhode Island could also go.

This is why I hate most anime, some of it is just too creepy for no reason (I wouldn’t call it fan service, it’s just dumb).

Umm, Kotor?

For your next NAS, you might want to consider Drobo’s BeyondRaid tech. Especially if you have various spare drives around. All the drives are hot swappable and don’t have to be the same size or type, mix and match as you please.

For your next NAS, you might want to consider Drobo’s BeyondRaid tech. Especially if you have various spare drives

It gives you a reason to look some bust, ‘nuff said.

I feel I haven’t seen one in a while.

Mafia 2 had the exact same problems of being a sandbox game without anything to do in the open world... how do they not fix that?

Aaaaand it’s gone.

Aaaaand it’s gone.

A try? You should have played MGS3 five times by now. It’s only the best MGS out there.

That has been plastered more than once.... remember that the PS4 mods don’t allow custom content uploads, negating the point of mods in the first place. So take that big asterisk and shove it up Sony’s ass.

They should have a mode for actual pros, where most/all of the hud is disabled.

If I was ever going to get a tattoo, it would be this:

I don’t wana be a dick, but isn’t this against Twitch tos? This is funeral, not a video game.

Yeaaaahh, this doesn’t look that bad, but what about full VR support for games like Mirror’s Edge, Metro, Chivalry or other games that are actually immersive in story and mechanics?

The fans are still spending the same amount of money (if they choose), they are just doing it at a different time.

Then they have an unhealthy addiction to their phone and the services (most of them not appropriate for a 14 year old girl) it provides.

I’d need more than just a 2v2 top down brawler to get me into this.

I think he means have an option to where the cosmetics of all on screen character could be affected by it... which is completely doable for client side rendering and should have been the clear and obvious choice. If I don’t care and want to have some variety among the troopers, fine, the game already does that, if I

Well it makes sense, they no longer make good games so why should they taint the name of Battle.net any longer?

There is no way that has was ever worn inside that car by the driver pleading to the officer.... she had hold the hat outside the window, then put her head out the window, then put on the hat.... makes 0 sense.