She looks like Kelly Osbourne only with better hair...
She looks like Kelly Osbourne only with better hair...
Mom??? Is that you...?
Really??? Drunks decide late one night to take it to the next level with blow... and someone gets screwed footing the cost??? What an unusual & original story... That rarely if ever has happened...
Good thing it wasn't Jason Sobel involved. He is bald. Like a bowling ball. So bald that eagles make fun of him. Sinead O'Connor thinks his baldness is a bit over the top. Mexican hairless dogs look up to him. He is extremely bald. He makes James Carvill look like he needs a haircut. Brittany Spears is embarrassed…
Not sure why everyone wants to tar & feather Dr Drew. He is providing an opportunity for these people to start their road to recovery. He is also providing HOPE to these people which is why they choose to participate to begin with. Most of them believe that the exposure of their name coupled with the fact that that…
Wow! Good thing you are not prone to overstatement or exaggeration. These addicts end up where they end up. I don't think being on CR has any impact on that. Look at all the "stars" that have OD'd... Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Heath Ledger... I don't remember seeing any of them on CR. The reason CR uses celebs…
I don't get the martyrdom that people choose to take on. If you had cancer you'd cut it out and move on. Yet, when toxic people come in to their lives, they do everything thay can to help these direlicts to take them down with them. I don't care if it is family or a BFF... if they are endangering your health, safety &…
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Their treatment being played out in publiuc may not have been a great thing for them individually, but it obviously was watched by millions & millions of people. I have to believe that seeing the results that addiction has had on these "stars" lives, it impacted and…
I call BS on the scooter story. Knowing Jeter, he would have made some hot young actress or two, Cary him around his mansion. And there would have been a line of eager applicants all the way to Hollywood!
2 gallons of blood in his chest cavity...??? I find that hard to believe.
He's always been known as a big brown noser... he just missed!
The worst thing about SIC is that people outside NYC actually believe that all the nonsense they show on it actually happens. I have lived in NYC for 16 years and I have never got into an elevator with a stranger and was having sex by the fourth floor. Even though that seemed to happen in every other episode.
Completely disagree. Skip Clueless is still King of the Douchebags!
Who are these half million jackasses that follow Skip Clueless...???
Can't win with him. Can't do it...
I agree with Deion. This is all about a money grab. If you play football you know there are inherent dangers. Take some responsibility for your own decisions.
Great! Get ready for the lawsuit against Roger Goodell & the NFL for not notifying Caleb that doing 360's on a snowmobile could potentially be risky...
Rick Reilly has become such a complete DBag over he past 5 years. His stuff at SI used to be good, but his stuff is unwatchable and unreadable now. By the way, I HAD THIS FIRST!!!
Aw c'mon... It's not that bad. Backwashing takes 15 minutes and with a Barracuda, actual weekly time maintaining the pool is like 20 minutes. I actually enjoy doing the yearly cleaning of my grids... mostly because I like to see what's in there!
Jerry: Little Jerry ran from here to Newman's apartment in under 30 seconds!