Lamborghini implemented the same on their Sesto Elemento, as well. I welcome this trend.
Lamborghini implemented the same on their Sesto Elemento, as well. I welcome this trend.
Fuck off, it's funetic!
one is pure sex. the other one is pure sex.
Oh no! They've come for revenge! O_O
I'm quietly entertaining myself trying to pick out the slight differences between the two.
Do the doors need to do that? Of course not. Is it awesome? Of course it is.
Interestingly enough for us history buffs out there, Thomson's grandfather, Bill was stationed on the USS Slater in the North Atlantic and was the semaphore operator who sent the famous message "U-boats in area, banana butt head monkeywrench torpedo underpants" that ended Germany's harassment of Allied shipping.
Here it was -
If F1 teams want to work on making turbo charged, more efficient engines, why don't they just make turbo V10's? Look, F1 is not going to single handedly stop any oil shortages, it's not even going to make a drop in the bucket.
Given the fact that it happened last Thursday, but the camera reckons it happened in January 2012, I assume that truckers are now capable of time travel. This accident was probably the result of a tragic miscalculation of flux-vectors. It appears the truck that crashed engaged his time circuits to early, evidenced by…
I blame the ex-soviet dashcam with its 6-bit "true color" technology.
A lot of white guys in Philly making asses of themselves around black dudes these days.
He should have known something was up when the guard handed him a TMZ legal pad .
And the Scion xA, xB, and tC; along with the Corolla. I'm pretty sure it was the standard 'Yota wheel for at least 10 years.
That's the same steering wheel that's in my 2005 Toyota Matrix XRS.
Well, they actually look pretty good. I'll give it to them.
Because Beyonce is such a vapid, fame-whoring diva, it is hard for me to believe this shout out to The D is truly heartfelt and/or sincere. Personally, I find Jack White's low profile payment of the Masonic Temple's outstanding tax bill a much more legitimate and tangible show of support for Detroit than Beyonce's…
My friend, you've just entered.... the danger zone!
Will Vettel ignore Multi-21 and overtake him during the hot lap?