Jid M

Nor parking brake set.

I find it very difficult to shave my legs while driving.

Heel and tow downshifting...I just don't understand!

Oh, you poor thing. You don't understand The Onion.

There is no little girl. It's The Onion.

James May did a really good bit on TG about this when he reviewed that hydrogen powered Honda. I think he nailed it.

"You're not saving energry overall, you're just shifting some of the energy source from gasoline to the battery chemicals or to the coal-fired power plant that produced the electricity that you put in your rechargeable battery."

What? I think they covered real time gauges for everything, music, most entertaining drives and how to avoid speeding tickets as well. What more do you need to enjoy your car?

1) convertible HARDtop.

Completely agree. Except Siri, Spotify and my A6 won't all get along. One of them always gets overrun and rendered useless. DAMMIT SIRI GROW A SPINE SO I CAN PRETEND IM DRIVING KIT FROM KNIGHTRIDER

Greatest Drive

Google Maps. It takes traffic into account when figuring out my directions. It also finds addresses that some GPS things can't since no one ever updates the one they keep in their car

I bet to differ. Cool cars, but not that cool.

Didn't Robert Downy Jr. create that in Iron man 2?

i felt like i couldve played any rap song in thye background and it wouldve went along with the video lol