Jid M

I'm going to jump the gun here and assume Subaru will manage to dilute the design of its WRX Concept to a point where it will just look like a "sportier" beige Impreza, which makes me sad because the concept looks amazing!

I wonder what the front of Seb's car looks like?

And here we see the very rare occasion of Webber actually getting a good start.

I agree with you guys and appreciate the fact that Jalopnik isn't censoring itself because of a few trolls.

After conferring with Matt, we made the judgment that the photos were newsworthy. We also understand that it is a sensitive and ongoing situation, and thus we decided to simply link to the photos rather than outright displaying them.

You know, I'm sure he's a nice guy, but people can't stop hating him. Probably because every time it's so funny. And because he has such a friendly demeanor with well-wishers. Here's that picture again:

Caswell photobomb (seen on Twitter):

Misery loves company.

In other news, the average bear has been conclusively proven to me more competent at operating a vehicle than 99.5% of the human population. Our continued existence remains a puzzle.

8.) Automatics can make sense

Wish they put a duck tail on it....

naked invisible man

Cameron Diaz? Seriously? That's like trading down........in the looks department anyway.

Oh, and as a Chicago fan I want to give all the credit he's due to Howard. That man is a ridiculously good goalie.

There's some amazing classics here, but this bmw is the one classic that caught my attention. Great looks.

Leave it to Ralph Lauren to enter a car that nobody has a chance of beating.

VW Daisy Wheels.

By the way, Raph cooked up that topshot based on this 2002 print. Badass, right?