I agree with you guys and appreciate the fact that Jalopnik isn't censoring itself because of a few trolls.
After conferring with Matt, we made the judgment that the photos were newsworthy. We also understand that it is a sensitive and ongoing situation, and thus we decided to simply link to the photos rather than outright displaying them.
In other news, the average bear has been conclusively proven to me more competent at operating a vehicle than 99.5% of the human population. Our continued existence remains a puzzle.
8.) Automatics can make sense
Oh, and as a Chicago fan I want to give all the credit he's due to Howard. That man is a ridiculously good goalie.
There's some amazing classics here, but this bmw is the one classic that caught my attention. Great looks.
Leave it to Ralph Lauren to enter a car that nobody has a chance of beating.
By the way, Raph cooked up that topshot based on this 2002 print. Badass, right?