Jid M


"Almost every major manufacturer competes in this race...". You put an extra "the" in there Bill :)

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Gabriel Iglesias has some good stories about being pulled over haha.

Mmm... but that Viper indeed.

I would also say that the McLaren MP4-12C Spyder is a very, very close second.

It is... absolutely... drop dead... gorgeous...

I absolutely... LOVE it. The major complaint is that Lambo has gone soft.

I would want Miles Davis' Lamborghini Miura.

Pfft... $kay... we know you won't bring the GT. We all know your affection toward it. You'd ditch the... nice lady... and dragon the hell out of that car.

really.... lady... this is weak.

I probably shouldn't have had that chili dog before the game...

I saw a red Alpha just like that 1 week ago down in Long Beach, CA. I was so surprised to see it, and fell instantly in love with it.

She actually looks like she's enjoying this show more than anyone else in this photo.

I wasn't saying anything about pre-modern super cars (like the Diablo or the F40/F50). Those cars are particularly amazing because they have a stick.

Seriously buddy... nothing to see here. Move... a.... long...

I actually think that if you put a manual in a hypercar like a P1 or 918, it would actually take away from the amazing experience those cars are going to bring.

I've been driving a manual transmission vehicle since I learned how to drive (practically). It's more fun, it's safer, and I sure as hell am a better driver than the majority of people I know. I'm definitely a more confident driver than most people I know.

Seriously. I'd have the Porsche as a daily driver, and the P1 as my fun car.

It is definitely cleaner, but man do I love the P1. But the 918 is right behind it.

I'm right there with you.