Jid M

I'm a 26-year-old MAN, and throughout the ENTIRETY of reading this article... I had my face in my hand, and read it between my fingers.

No... the bodywork from the rear wheel to the bumper is far too long on the missing vehicle than on the pacifica.

Unfortunately, in California, the law is that if you rear-end someone, it's automatically your fault, no matter the situation.

You're welcome :)

Umm... Jason? Did you watch the video? I'm not saying the guy was injured, but he was hurt. His scrapes were pretty gnarly, and the paramedics showed, and trotted him off to the hospital.

Sorry guys... It's not TGUS...

I'd never want to work a desk job. I would definitely want a job where I needed to interact with other people, and drive distances to be there.

Absolutely it is... The lines for that were just exquisite.

Too soon?

Minus the majority of the interior, I actually quite like the car... I can't put my finger on why, but I do.


I'm in complete agreement. I love this one.

I'm so in love with these lines.... It's not even funny.

I can't read those words without hearing Sterling Archer say them.

Is this really even a discussion?

I think what it might be for you is the lack of tailpipes out the back of the car. We're so used to seeing them there, that when they aren't, things look wrong.

Poor Webbster... I really like him. His luck this season is just awful. When his wheel fell off last weekend, I buried my head in my hands.

I always thought about autocrossing my Matrix... but then it started falling apart, so I thought better of it.

And then the one that Mr. James crashed :(

I was 16K out of warranty when my trans went out, but Toyota comped us the trans, and we paid for the labor. That was the one awesome thing about it. And we bought a refurbd engine, and only had 2 issues with it: spark plug connection, and then had to replace the head gasket. But other than that, it ran fine for the