Jid M

For the most part, I really like Vettel. And yes, he might have all of those amazing "PR" things going for him, but last year, in Abu Dabi, the kid had to start FROM THE PITS, and STILL managed to finish 3rd. I'm sorry, but that's AMAZING. He really is an absolutely incredible driver.

I might be one of the few guys on here who actually DOESN'T like most of the elements of LaFerrari. The only angles of the car I like are head on, both front and rear. I do not like the front end of it from any other angle though. At all.

I'm loving this story. Please keep us updated when you're able to find out more... This is the kind of journalism that Jalopnik has never really had, and it's great that there is some.

So much yes to those headlights.... So much yes.

Will we get pictures of the rear?

I really do like it... But I miss the rakish angles of the last gen CTS. I loved the edgy-ness of it. I still love seeing them drive down the road...

Well... The Macca is my dream car at the moment (even over an Aston Martin DBS... which has held that spot in quite a long time but has now been replaced by the MP4-12C) and I would sure as HELL have it in this livery.

I agree... it should definitely have matched up. The got it right on on the back engine cover though.

I wanted the new mustang the second it came out (body style, I do mean), and I instantly fell in love with the rims on the GT. I couldn't find a picture of the ones that came in gunmetal grey, but they do exist.

HAHAH DA! WE ARE GERMAN! Vhat are apologies?! Zey are for ze WEAK! HAHAHA!!

This is by far the best quote for this guy so far. Well done.

"A Haters Guide To That Guy That Nearly Won The Championship Last Year But Ferrari Sucks And That's Why He Lost". That should be one as well.

I am in complete agreement with you.

That was a great story Wes. Can't wait to hear more about Wiley's adventures.



Just.... Just.... WTF?!?! How do you NOT know the specs of a car you're buying?! HOW?! *stomps off, smoke pouring from all orifices*

I was able to catch the last 30 minutes of it Saturday night before watching the second half of qualifying of F1. I can't wait to watch this when I get home where there is sound and HD video awaiting me...

Pat, that was fantastic. It's nice to read lengthy articles that keep your attention for the entire length of the article. Keep it up!
