
Watching this is chilling. But Im moved by what a fuckin hero this girl is. I can imagine, but have NO idea of how hard this would have to be, in that moment, when hes a huge star, and you are vulnerable young girl, to take this step. Holy smokes. Its easy to step up to the mic when you have support & people behind

I agree that it needed to be asked, but given that fact is your user name really the one you want to roll with?

I did a quick google news check and no one is really talking about this. Kudos to Deadspin in getting it out there. Keep going!

Yeah because they are the same thing. Go shove a Chicago dog in your mouth so we don’t have to hear this crap again.

I’m white, but my family was poor and was taught the exact same thing. Unless you are wealthy and white the police aren’t there to help you.

It’s almost like he’s just a person and not imbued with the spirit of a random god.

I recently saw a video of Tyga being a total ass clown on some MTV rap game show back in the day and just thought, “he seems like the kinda dude who would date a 17 year old when he’s 25 and brag about it.”

“Women who are initially successful in partnering with men, as is more traditionally expected, may never explore their attraction to other women.

Can the names of defendants in rape cases be withheld? It seems fairer for both accusers and accused to have higher levels of discretion and anonymity in these cases.

Tell that to the rape victim in states where there are thousands of rape kits from years ago still waiting to be tested

I know the police get a bad rap, but the vast majority of them genuinely do want to help you.

You’re not talking about “some.” You literally said “majority,” which means more than 50%. The truth is that the majority of commissioned officers do not accept reports of violent crimes like rape.

What the fuck are ‘burning gemstones’? Are they like coal embers? Burning gemstones, in the fireplace? How rich are these fucking players that they are burning gemstones? How did this get through every draft?

Its astounding, and also SO widespread. I think that many reasonable hetero guys get cut out of a lot of this. But between my experiences and those of my sister it seems there are a shocking number of normal seeming men who HATE women. They don’t know that they hate women, they think they are great guys because they

Ur soooOoo cool, and wrong! Kisses tho.

I’m not saying he is guilty or not. But I’m sick of this bullshit about being shaken down because he’s rich.

Is there any particular reason to include the parts where she was worried about being bad in bed or where she didn’t know how to masturbate? Is it a tactic to make us feel sorry for her? Like if she was really worldly then a rape would be no big deal, but because she was a prude a gang rape is much worse? If that’s

This is fucked up.

Work will be unbearable if this suit goes nowhere, I’m in Chicagoland and if this ends up being dismissed this will be all I hear about re:Patrick Kane’s case. I will be inundated with this “evidence” that “bitches” are all “thirsty sluts” and “stupid whores” who just want money and attention. More than one person

I expected more from Deadspin commentators....this defending rapist bullshit reads like yahoo comments.

“Durrr if she was really raped she would have called the cops hurrr durrr”

Nevermind the fact that not having the courage to come forward immediately is EXTREMELY common, whether it’s the fear of shame, retaliation,