
Yes, Star Wars has hyperspace jump points. They use “routes,” and sometimes shifting cosmic entities (such as nebulas) will open or close routes. Hyperspace/lightspeed isn’t some seperate dimension; they’re just moving really fast through normal space, so they need long avenues of empty space. Blockading becomes a

they do. Systems have hyperspace routes going into them because of the gravity wells. It’s why the Vong couldn’t just jump into Coruscant.

There are hyperspace “lanes”, but only because they are known areas with no obstacles and can be used for long uninterrupted jumps. Hyperspace allows them to enter the system at any point (outside a gravity well), and from any vector.

The Dyson blockade is not a tactic for weak armies.

Today is a day of celebration. We have triumphed over villainy and oppression and have given our Alliance—and the galaxy beyond it—a chance to breathe and cheer for the progress in reclaiming our freedom from an Empire that robbed us of it. We have reports from Commander Skywalker that Emperor Palpatine is dead, and

Like any regime, the first order did some unspeakable evils but also accidentally righted a few wrongs. The war on the Gungans, though unjust, certainly had a measure of schadenfreude.

theres an edit of all three movies into one (basically threw out episode one and condensed the other two) and the ending was the helmet being placed on to vaders head and the table tilting upward... [fade to black]... *vader breathing noise*

The full excerpt over at EW reveals that the Alliance broadcast a message across space from Admiral Ackbar declaring the Emperor dead and the Empire defeated. We also know thanks to an upcoming mobile game that not everyone knew—Imperial officers denied it through propaganda and cracked down, acting as if everything

Wedge seems to be (one of) the main protagonist, which makes me happy. Rogue Squadron for the new alternate timeline.

I still want to know how EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE knew the Emperor was dead. Also the new movies make those endings stupid and pointless because they were celebrating like “Yay we did it! We won. Empire GONE!” 30 years later . . . not so much.

. . . “and they’re wondering why nothing new is being shipped from Alderaan.”

Now playing

Makes more sense then the idea that the Empire just surrendered to the Rebels after the second Death Star blew up.

Nothing the old Star Wars books didn’t cover, albiet not so viscerally. But we got a pretty good look at how propagandists spun things so the majority of the Empire wasn’t even aware for years that it was collapsing.

I live in that area and it really isn’t a reason to be scared any more than people who live near Yellowstone Park should be afraid about the Yellowstone Caldera. For my entire life, they have been talking about the big one, but it hasn’t come and may not come in my life time. It is entirely possible that it might just

For people that live there. I live 2500 miles away, I won’t be affected at all, and I refuse to be scared by this.

For the time I played it and dove into the game pretty hardcore, yeah - there are some HIGHLY LITERATE and SCARY people working on Magic’s R&D and design. I’m glad we kept them busy working on a silly little card game...

While scuba diving in Monterey Bay, I once came across one that was dead, floating at the surface. They feel like surfboards, thick and rigid and kinda styrofoamy. The fins had been bitten off by sea lions (who are jerks, btw) (and mother-f#$%ing otters!), apparently they do it for “fun.”

Is it me or do the babies look like tiny ninja throwing stars?

My dad still tells the story of when we was standing night watch on a destroyer in the south pacific and seeing one. The water was so clear it started as a small spot and came all the was until the top fin broke the surface and headed back down.