
Checkout “The XX” as well, the band that Jamie XX is a part of (hence the XX)

A magnetosphere isn’t completely necessary to have a thick atmosphere. An example would be Venus. The sister-from-hell has no known magnetosphere partially in thanks to its slow rotation. But despite this, it’s retained a thick atmosphere—thicker than our own.

I respectfully disagree. Plus I just learned about a new artist today!

You’ve taken some factoids about Terraforming Mars, but didn’t understand the timescales involved. If you were to build an atmosphere on Mars approaching Earth’s pressure you could go many millenia before atmospheric decay would be tangible to humans there. And that’s IF you built the atmosphere and did nothing to

And the result? Something similar to my son’s floor, except his has Legos as well.

RIP in peace? Do you use an LCD display too?

I think you’ll need to time travel to the future to get a genetic engineer who can use CRSPR/Cas9 on your DNA in the time frame before the police find you and take your DNA. I work on bacteria, and this shit is hard. I would imagine doing it in mammalian cells would be even more difficult.

Yeah, I don't see Gonzalez as being Hydra so much as have SERIOUS trust issues in the wake of The Winter Solder fun, so he winds up doing cold hearted shit because he doesn't want to be fooled again by being too trusting of Coulson and his team. He's like that person who has been cheated on by the love of their life,

Director ADAMA!! I'm glad I'm not the only one refusing to call him anything else.

I get that exact impression about Gonzalez. I don't think EJO is so desperate for work that he'd take a part that's so on-the-surface Bill Adama. There's a turn coming.

It would be interesting if they became an isolated satellite team, still working for Coulson, but not having much/any interaction with the regulars. Last episode gave me a feeling that they're starting to realize they made a bad choice.

While I would rather have another season of Dotty Agent Carter I wouldn't mind Bobbi Morse and Mac heading up a team of agents from the "Real SHIELD" after that storyline plays out. Coulson would probably still want them as assets but the rest of his team probably won't want to work with them.

As a black man, I feel like someone at least trying to have the conversation with you is the right course of action. Someone is taking the time to actually speak with you and you can actually guide them and help them at least see the problem. They'll never understand the issue at hand, they can't, but at least you can

To be fair, making it about ourselves is what people do. If someone is raising money for cancer research instead of AIDS, there's a 95% chance it's because cancer has affected them somehow, and AIDS hasn't.

Just two things of note

At least The Fifth Element was basically a silly comedy, with its Space Borders, Flying Chinese Restaurants, and Encyclopedias That Put All Wars under 'W'.

Every week! For some reason many on this site get rage boners from hating Interstellar because of one scene of a wistful, deluded, lovesick astronaut losing her objective, scientific focus for a moment. I did not know so many expected a graduate level course on astrophysics starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne

Yeah... I went around saying "I loved it. But... uhm... I can't really recommend it because if you hate it, I totally can't blame you..."

PS: have you every actually tasted okra? Believe me, the world would be better off without it.

All I wanted was a 5 star tower. All my residents wanted was to move out of my tower every few weeks, putting me in massive debt.