
The ads are covered under first amendment. The vandalism of the ads isn't. I don't agree with the ads at all. Not one bit, but that's not the point. The vandals committed a crime, the people who PAID MONEY for the ads did not. The ads are MORALLY wrong, but the vandals are LEGALLY wrong. It comes down to this...if

"for example: how could Jim afford to keep fixing his Firebird, which got jacked up every second show? Why, though he solved all these high-profile cases, did he never have money?"

Anyone remember Rita Capkovic, the hooker with a soft spot for Jim? R. Moreno won an Emmy for that role. Or the one where he went undercover in an insane asylum to rescue a man, and he got trapped in there himself? Admittedly, I saw it when I was a child, but it scared me more than when I watched One Flew Over the

Theme songs used to be epic. I think the best might be from "Barney Miller." That bass is killer!

btw, "Rockford" runs weekdays on that sideband diginet, MeTV. Streams on Netflix, too.

The Rockford Files was a good show, but the one thing that was memorable about it for me was its awesome theme song, which was released as a single and actually peaked on Billboard's Hot 100 chart at #10; it also won a Grammy. The theme song was composed was Mike Post and Pete Carpenter, and Mike Post went on to do

There was a time when I would never miss an episode of 'The Rockford Files'. I remember growing up with Rockford, 'Quincy M.E.', 'Columbo' and 'Petrocelli' in the good ole' days of the 1970s.

That almost happened to me, and all I did was go see them!

ok THAT is pretty hilarious.

Droid: It'll cost extra to take the pants in.

Palpatine: I don't pay for alterations!

Oh, sure, no argument there. Im just tickled at the idea of the droid telling Palpatine that "We only have length 39 Sith Lord Trousers, but Skywalker's records indicate he wore size 35."

Actually, the medical cause of Padme's death was dislocated plot holes, herniated dialogue, lacerated story logic, contagious anti-chemistry lesions and fractured character motivation, compounded by congestive charisma failure and fatal constriction of acting muscles.

She died of shame from being in the prequel trilogy.

Oh, the honey badger is just crazy! The honey badger doesn't care!

She should be an interrogator. With no proven corpus delicti, she was able to coerce a confession. And then mete out justice.

Arguing with my daughter is like wrestling a honey badger. It only brings me pain.

Let that be a lesson to you, murderer.

On Saturday, my seven-year-old found a spider on one of the strawberries she was eating. She handed me the strawberry, saying "there's a bug on it." I took the strawberry to the sink and washed it off. My daughter proceeded to berate me for two days straight about "killing an innocent little bug." I protested my

I was an idiot?