
Whooooa that link does not work okay I don't know what happened there. Maybe this will work better.

...or very, very right.

Naw, the real sized one is perfect. It would fit into a modern garage and still be capable of hauling the family into the wilderness on camping trips.

Not just ankylosaurs, either. "Fully armored" tetrapods have evolved several times:

Giant sloths, four-tusked elephants, and a whole bunch of other ancient mammals that roamed the earth over 10,000 years ago

Sadly, Glyptodon became extinct without ever learning how to add lime, onion, and other ingredients to turn the avocados into delicious guacamole. Glyptodon did briefly experiment with a kind of dip made from crushed avocados, but as tortilla chips would not be available for another eleven or twelve millennia, the

It's remarkable how similar in design the Glyptodon was to the Ankylosaurus:


I was reminded of the osage orange (or bois d'arc), which still grow wild in Texas and Oklahoma (among other places), and sure enough it was briefly mentioned in the NatGeo article.

and at the same time, what i also found interesting was she tried talking herself out of it on the way there. at that point you felt so bad cause she was so controled by her feelings. and could understand why she was doing it. then they show the final flashback, and WHOLE GRAIN CRAP, you don know what to believe.

Well, to be honest, she isn't bad, she's mentally ill. She needs treatment, not jail.

No but when it was cutting between "Your father was an arrogant swine" and James' dead body and everything hurts it's so awful and the shock on Snape's face at "You've been raising him like a pig for slaughter"

I caught the movie while traveling and was blown away. I got home and convinced my wife (not much for violent movies of any stripe) to sit down and watch it with me. She had it figured out by the time a third of the movie was done.

He's more like a weird goth kid who got picked on for being different, and then joined a drug cartel for protection. There's a lot of things he could have done differently, but there's a lot of things everyone there could have done differently.

He was a serious jerk. He wasn't derisively mocked by Harry's dad because REASONS! He was an actual asshole.

Dumbledore: Still, after all this time?

The whole thing is kind of a flashback, right?

It's not genre but one of the most awesome uses of this was Lorna Morello on "Orange is the New Black."

Say what you will about the recent Constantine show, after they brought up the Newcastle Incident I had to read up on it to see if there was anything more to that, and I've since wanted to read Swamp Thing and Hellblazer. Just finished reading the 'Casey' arc of Swamp Thing and am almost up to Alan Moore's run.