
I used to work with Brad Woodhouse (the one on the right). He is usually so bombastic and loud. MOM LAYS DOWN THE FUCKING LAW.

the group i spoke with in Bothell claimed it wasn't Greenpeace at all but a conspiracy... typical nonsense...

Which is exactly what it looks like they did anyway, rendering their moronic little stunt even more pointless.

What would have been effective is taking Google Map images of famous world sites and photo shopping that message over them. Now I have no respect for Greenpeace as an organization. I love nature and nature conservation, but I also like intelligence and not destroying archeological sites.

the one on the right triiiied to hold it together

You could actually see them turn into eight-year-old boys over the course of the segment. So good.

I love this mom. And by love this mom I mean that I really do love her but I'm so glad she's not my mom.

This is the greatest fucking thing I have ever seen.

Just in time for some radical Islamic group to blow them up.

Somebody wake up Hicks!

"What are you reading?"

Well, twat waffle only produced demotivational posters and cute gifs.

I don't really get your upset here. All excited, the man grabbed it in the heat of the moment but then offered it to the child as soon as he saw what he'd done. Sounds like a nice guy who realized he erred and tried to atone for it.

She looks a lot more in need of that lesson than the little girl does.

Wow. Why not drink up that little girl's tears and tell her how sweet they taste, while you're at it?