
I find your lack of faith.... disturbing.

So there you go.

Thank god for small favors.

Here are some common foods with HFCS (some brands don't use it). It's pretty ubiquitous to the point you have to look carefully to find foods that don't use it.



I am aware of this statement that HFCS is molecularly the same as table sugar, but there is some sort of metabolic difference, which I learned the hard way.

I have family members a generation above me who suffered the long-term effects of polio.

There's always "The Main Man"

Scrolled 80% of the way down, praying all the way... and there you were... blast and damnation.

"And every last inch of me's covered with haaiiiirrrr!"

Hear hear! "The city... the city is a ... thingy... woman. And it kicks you inna... whassit... thingy.. fork."

My first intro was Guards! Guards! Which I highly recommend. You can also really get into it with Mort or, of course, Equal Rites.

Agree. So many of the books have their own particular charm. I tend to find the Rincewind novels a bit tedious (though they have their moments).

I tend to agree. While still quite good books, Raising Steam and Snuff suffered from a problem in that several of his characters personalities and "voices" had morphed significantly compared to what they were only a couple of books ago.

My favorite story arcs tend to be the Death arcs and the City Watch arcs, followed closely by the Witches and Industrial Revolution. While I count Night Watch and Thud as among my favorites, Thief of Time grabbed me and wouldn't let go, to the point I became obsessed with the untold bits and the 'what happened

Is that the test were they tie you to a rock and drop you in a lake, or the other one?

Two high quacks with spin of 9/4ths and one low quack with spin of 1/0, providing undefined net spin.

Great. Now when I read it, I'll be calling him "Chanandler Bong" for eternity.

*insert snare drum rimshot*