
Is it just me, or is the problem that the kitten there is attempting to nurse on the side of the bowl and hitting panic levels when it doesn't work out?

You just blew my mind to all kinds of hell. I love patterns like that.

African or European? trailing scream

It's turtles all the way down, bro.

You are awesome.

Because they have a competent intelligence organization and could see which way the wind was blowing?

I want to believe.

I have found my people.

My wife claims the lower launch failed because the tech mangled the launch countdown. It was doomed from the start. ;-)

If your family tree looks like a ladder...

Also read sequel: The Smoke Ring.

Dint nobody come out first place in that one.

"I beat you!"

Police investigating the accident said that the hydrofluoric acid spill may have been caused by human error as two workers were unloading the chemical from a delivery tanker. A closed circuit security video camera recorded the two workers on top of the tanker, both without protective gear. They were connecting an air

Mr. Jordan,

Two workers at top of tank lorry for transfer and two worker at ground level for pump repair and one officer at office building close to tank lorry died. See this tragic event unfold with this CCTV footage of the workers on top of the ISO tank connecting air lines to effect the transfer of HF - moments later the HF is

The Turtle Moves!

You MUST read this review of it. Beyond awesome...


The more I look at it... the less it looks like a rock and the more it looks like an empty and slightly crushed "O-Mons Stout" beer can...