
No different than having a photo or going to his gravesite. It's just a very public way of grieving, which may make others uncomfortable. But it's not about other people.

I share things I find that are funny or that remind me of my family members on their walls. It'd be really hard not to do that anymore. Over time she

Chad Kroeger and Avril Lavigne are "the worst hotel guests ever" because they got drunk and tried to order stuff not on the room service menu, caused noise complaints and left the room a wreck.

It's all about boundaries.

Miley's headed down a dangerous drug. You can easily OD from just two marijuanas.

They're way too late to save their image. What was left of it evaporated the moment Grace Coddington even thought them up as people to be on the cover of Vogue. I guess it is nice that this issue is doing well, but I wonder if it will make up for the number of subscriptions and retail purchases in the long run. I

And of those 500,000, I bet roughly 400,000 were purchased by Pimp Mama Kris Jenner. It's entirely conceivable to me that she would spend $4,000,000 to ensure her favorite trick broke some records and proved everybody wrong.

No, you're just a meanie-head who thinks it's funny to bully a person who is literally an infant.

I mean, why even bother with a "cute" selfie? it's not like the horse gives a shit, you know?

I couldn't help but laugh at the last line, "I've never seen your eyebrow shake before. Ever. In our whole relationship." This is not a thing.

Yeah, anyone with three nannies doesn't qualify as poor.

Maybe they created this whole story shoddily on purpose because they knew a fake cheating scandal was more scandalous than a real cheating scandal. INCEPTION.

I read Horrible and thought little of it, then got to Terrible and went "maybe...", then got to No Good and knew, and then laughed. It's my favorite scoring system yet.

Thank you for the throwback to my childhood. After I read "Horrible," I had to scroll through the rest of the grades to make sure you were actually doing it. I think that the octopus nope-nope-nope gif definitely would have improved this classic tale of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. So would the picture


This. It's not because systematic misogyny perpetuated by mass consumer capitalism makes you feel shit, it's because you just need to be in touch with your feels and realise you are beautiful! Now buy more shit.

Kitchen scissors. The accuracy....

Sorry that multi-millionaire Jennifer Aniston doesn't drunkenly cut her bangs with kitchen scissors like the rest of us and wash her face with bathroom soap at Quiznos.

My only wish would be that as they jumped the shark they all missed and fell in the water with it.

Also that Queen Elizabeth wishes "Cressida would tidy her hair a bit, but that's a generation thing."

Anaphylaxis Face is a great superhero name.