
Few doctors ever actually give the definitives that parents and patients then later claim they did. Doctors don’t speak in absolutes, they speak in odds. So years later when people gleefully say, “my doctor said I had no chance of survival, but here I am!” they’re typically misremembering “you have VIRTUALLY no chance

This is absurd, as a physician, you prepare the family for the worst and if a “miracle” happens and everything works out then you breathe a sigh of relief. Parents will always have hope, even when the child is dead on the table, they will pray. It’s much easier on the parents to be expecting something bad and receive

Keep in mind, often patients — esp. parents of patients — do their own glossing over of whatever medical realities the professionals share.

Being married to a doctor, I see what they go through, and frankly, they have to be that way.

Did someone forget to announce that medicine and doctors are 100% correct at all times, every time?

There is almost always a chance but if the odds are against it, the doctors are obliged to say so. Do you think the doctors said, “there’s zero chance your child will live.. I’d start picking out a coffin if i were you, something in baby blue with extra head-space.”??

The professional should not lie, for a professional knows the odds are against. Survival is desired, but any misstep on the procedure could have brought unbearable consequences. They parents must be fully told, beyond quatificable risks.

Yes, giving a glimmer of hope when every set of odds says otherwise is a brilliant idea. /s

I foresee someone challenging this in court, stating “I ran for 19 minutes each day after I ate a bag of chips, but I did NOT lose any of my weight!”

What does the wage gap or support for working mothers have to do with the price of tea in a conversation about how victim-blaming and slut-shaming got her to see the continued relevance of feminism? You’re decontextualizing her quote so that you can justify giving her a hard time.

Yes, what you said.

If we went through a laundry list of issues that people self-identifying as feminists are seeking to address - domestic violence, rape culture, sexual harassment, support for working mothers, the wage gap, opportunity doors closed, representation of women in media, politics, etc. - are you really agreeing that women

This is exactly what she was talking about. It’s not good enough that she’s championing feminism publicly, she dares to point out that women are often the biggest enforcers of gender roles and patriarchal values, so fuck her.

I’m already ragey and exhausted and sad today. So reading “I feel like it’s mostly women that give other women a hard time” as a response to why feminism is still needed makes me want to break goddamn everything.

Now playing

I have watched some of Trevor’s stand up and also the skits he did on the Daily Show and the one thing that I don’t like about him is that he can’t be silly. He does the hipster cool funny where he can’t be goofy so it’s hard to tell if he’s telling a joke or being sincere.

The terrorist has now officially confessed and said his intent was to “start a race war”. How are you gonna spin that now, Fox? Are you gonna claim that Christianity is a race? I’m so disgusted.

I read this in another forum yesterday: “It just seems that no matter what happens, the white person is misunderstood and the black person is dead.” That one sentence hit me as so profoundly true and succinctly all-encompassing that it is still running through my head this morning.

Most expressed bland sympathy, but Bernie Sanders called it our as racially motivated and a crime of hate, Lindsay Graham at least admitted it was caused by hate, and Ben Carson asked the nation to “conquer hatred” to prevent these things from happening again. Everyone else just offered sympathy or (from many of the

Problem with stories like this is that everyone tries to narrow it down to ONE thing. Gun advocates blame mental health or suggest that if someone there had a gun it wouldn’t have happened. Black leaders call it pure racism and nothing else. Mental health advocates claim that the perpetrator had issues dating back to

It really is refreshing to see and hear someone in the media cutting through the mental-illness-as-an-excuse bullshit.