
Ya know, I thought you were just humor impaired until I watched the trailer. I agree with you, there wasn’t anything about it that said parody or implied anything humorous about it at all.

Hmm, the trailer didn’t read that way to me at all. It just seemed like another tacky Lifetime movie with recognizable faces.

Well that doesn’t look funny at all.

As someone who wasted a Saturday night a few weeks back watching the Rita Wilson vehicle ‘The Invisible Child’ on Youtube, I have no idea how much of this is meant to be serious and how much is meant to be parody.

It’s a parody that they’re playing straight

Good call! Looooove that movie! I can almost go straight for Angelina Jolie circa 1999...

This story is a black hole of What Is Going On?

Sure, whatever. When there’s reports of Kit Harrington hanging out around the GoT set next season, though, well, he’s gonna look like a real dumb dumb. It’s not a coincidence Melisandre showed up RIGHT before he got stabbed to death, and his “kingsblood” started spilling out across the snow.

whatever you say, kit kitteridge

Maybe it’s wishful thinking on my part, but I think there’s some other intentional wording, when he says he’s dead. Well yes, he’s dead, but as we’ve seen that doesn’t necessarily mean that he can’t be really alive again afterwards. You’ll notice that a priestess of R’hllor was maneuvered unexpectedly into position at

With the manufactured death threats and passing off her brother as her child, this reminds me of people with Munchausen’s Syndrome. It’s a really elaborate way to get a certain type of attention. Whatever her deal is, I hope she steps out of the public eye and gets some help.

It also seems unlikely that in dealing with a show that (increasingly, it seems) makes its living off of “shocking” people, that the producers or actors would ever say anything BUT “what you saw is totally what happened and there’s no chance of anything surprising happening down the road”.

Why it got to be black?

Race is indeed a construct, but that is very, very far from it being a costume.

Yeah, I forgot to do that last night. I liked the story about how she rented a stadium for Kanye to play basketball because the one for their house wasn’t finished yet.

Did she get a new PR rep? I used to hate her irrationally and lately, she’s growing on me. Accrediting it to personal growth (hers or mine) is too big of a stretch for my hateful, cynical persona.

Good job, Kim’s new PR rep. You get two thumbs up (and possibly an existence)!

I havent heard one argument against transracial being “real” that couldn’t be applied to transgendered people.

“she is getting away with things NO black women would ever have gotten away with.”

If Dolezal had just announced one day, “I feel black, and will consider myself black from this point on,” I don’t think nearly as many people would have had a problem with her actions. But the lying and deceptions, and apparent misuse of family and friends in the process, have created a different context.