
It was a shame his brother couldn’t make it. Here is a photo from their little league years:

This is childish, mean-spirited, and awesome.

You know who doesn’t find anything distasteful? Chris Christie.

We can only hope that he held himself under $82,594 at the concession stands.

I agree. But I don’t think the reason is “because trigger warnings”

I’m trying to figure out how he’s able to fuck New Jersey so hard when he can’t even find his penis.

If the other candidates want softballs, they can just go on Fox News.

Look, I find the fat jokes about Christie to be pretty damn distasteful at times...but jesus, get a better-fitting uniform, dude.

In my opinion, Chris Christie is the ideal candidate to be our next President of these great United States.

So what your saying is that is children were acting “inappropriately” in regards to sex, the answer is LESS sex education? Because it might be triggering? You’re saying that children with a history of absuse should be “spared” sex education?

Wah wah wah, trigger warning wah wah wah

Fun fact that this story brought to my memory: my parents went to Amsterdam years ago and my mother explained every exhibit, in graphic detail, to my blind father.

Please provide the statute that gives a 13 year old legal protection from her parents cutting her hair.

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

Chopping off her hair. What kind of fucking medieval punishment is this? That’s what they did to women who slept with Germans during the French occupation. Getting drunk or whatever doesn’t warrant this hateful treatment. This is horrid.

I’m sure her parents told her she was equally, if not at more fault, but they know how unacceptable that would be to the public at large. If she and her sisters drove him to it, he couldn’t possibly be those things.

Or, OR, maybe he’s really a White Walker?

My beloved progressive state is dead.

I am waiting for him to unzip his skin suit and reveal the quasi-sentient lizard beneath.