
I agree she should have been named, if for no other reason than it adds a lot of context and allows us to see how much of what we’re looking at is due to lighting, photoshop, etc. That being said, what should they ask her? What would you ask her?

What difference does it make what she thinks? This isn’t about her, this is about how advertising affects women in general. It’s the Advertising Standards Authority, not the Health and Safety Executive or whatever. Note how the decision talks about how the ad makes her appear, not about what she might look like irl or

You mean the women who are practically slaves to the brands and photographers and will most likely not have a job anymore if they rock the boat or say that if they werent that skinny the companies would not let them work? Remember these girls dont just “get” these gigs they are casted and that means there is a

I agree in part, but at the same time, if you asked a 5’9” 90lb runway model (not this woman, I have no idea of her stats) if she was healthy and fine, she’d probably tell you yes. Some of the Eastern European models were dying to get that look and I bet none of them felt abused, just driven. If that look isn’t the

There should be a place for women of all sizes in modeling, even women with body extremes (as Kiki is an example of) if only to show the different ways that humans can be built.

Fashion’s obsession with this aesthetic is why she gets work. Why would she talk shit about that?

I don’t understand fashion. Not a single one of those pictures makes me want to buy anything. (This is not a comment on the model. This is a comment on the styling, posing, photo composition, etc.)

Policing her body isn’t the point of this initiative; she has the form she has and it’s none of our business. I think it would be overstepping, and also incredibly rude, to seek her out and grill her about her weight and health.

I mean, she’s 18 years old and like six feet tall. It’s entirely possible she eats well and is perfectly healthy. She’s basically still a girl, and six-foot beanpole teenagers are not unheard of. Maybe we should ask why $1200 shoes and $4000 dresses that almost no teenager can afford need to be modeled by teenagers,

I do think all body types are a good thing, and I know some people are super thin naturally, but I’m sorry, she does look unhealthy. Her body looks disturbingly like my 70-something year old neighbor’s that is battling cancer.

HOLY FUCKING CRAP that is some holocaust levels of malnourished looking.

I’ve read the first two Edge and the Innkeeper. Thought they were decent, especially the first Edge, but I still like the Kate Daniels books the best! Just read the Dali novellas, they’re soooo good!

THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS. If you want to show off your tits, go forth and show off your tits. But PLEASE stop making it seem like you’re doing charity work. What you’re actually doing is sexualizing a deadly disease. You taking a topless selfie does fuck all to advance the treatment that saved my mom’s life and will

Preach! Last summer I threw $50 down for ALS research and saved a ton of water and ice my not dumping a bucket on my head. Did I tell anyone I donated? Nope. I spent enough time at Mass as a kid to hear that parable about doing your charity/praying quietly. Thanks, Jesus: you helped me be a little less insufferable

Be different. Don’t be too different.

Meet this standard. Don't assume you've met the standard.

Reminds me of a top post on Reddit from yesterday. It had a picture of Caitlyn and Kris, with a caption something like “That moment when your ex who used to be a man looks better than you.” Now, outside of the transphobia/inaccurate statement about Jenner, it’s very telling about how womanhood only exists in

Jezebel does this! And when anybody dares criticize that choice in the comments, everyone jumps down the poster’s throat because the only approved narrative is BEAUTIFUL AND BRAVE.

Yes, and agreed. Too often trans narratives in the media follow a predictable (and rather sexist) drag pageant format in which subjects are applauded for beauty, realness, and bravery —everything but a swimsuit competition. Well, this ain’t drag, folks. Gender can be complicated for many and I appreciate Cox for

Most definitely! I had a friend drop by unexpectedly, so didn’t get my Amazon date, but it’s on my lunchtime agenda.