
The worst thing I EVER heard was my cousin’s wife saying “I really wanted to name our son ‘Bruce’, but now I can’t”
“Why not?”
“Because he’s becoming a woman; I don’t want to taint my child’s name by calling him ‘Bruce’”


FUCK YES. I am totally a pleaser but I've had partners who would try to take advantage of that. No, buddy. Test me and see how quickly those enthusiastic blowies well as my vagina.

“I demand that I climax,” Minaj said simply. “I think women should demand that.”

Let me explain: Kanye think he has good taste in fashion and styling talent. He’s wrong

Best GIF evar!

What does the fashion world think of Kanye’s designs? Does anyone buy them? They’re so hideous I can’t imagine a woman choosing to wear them.

I...don’t understand anything in this picture.

I had the same thought. I have no opinion either way of the young lady but hate, hate, HATE that outfit. The sleeves look like vacuum cleaner attachments.

Or to dress anyone. It's a hideous outfit.

Maybe. Maybe the gods are crazy. Maybe the stars are blind...

This is scientific evidence of Kanye’s inability to dress women with curves

Good for Bruce. I live in Texas and I’ve heard so many moronic comments about his transition.

Jenner confirmed a few months ago that she was “working on a singing career,”

The series he just did on the Great War was phenomenal, and one of the Common Sense shows last year on the U.S. relationship with Russia (in which he discussed a prescient editorial from the 1990s by Pat Buchanan (!) of all people) is worth catching, but I can’t remember the title.

The Wrath of Khans series was amazing, I love his programs.

This reminds me a bit of an article I read yesterday (…). Its thesis is that the left has allowed a certain strain of counterintuitively regressive identity politics to take over the movement, and the result has been a sort of bizarro-world conservativism where there’s a kind of

I am not a frequent commenter anymore and am cast into the greys but, can I take part in this conversation? The rallying cry of “The Personal is Political” has become easily eaten up into the fluff of consumer faux feminism because “empowerment” is now a code word for anything that feels good. This is also precisely

Sure, that’s part of it. But I think the bulk of the problem is that universities are very good at catering in general. They’ve demonstrated in numerous ways (most of which are fundamentally unrelated to the specific issue detailed in this piece) that they are willing to sell off the long-standing principles of