
You were able to resist him because he followed it up with “it looks good on you.” Rookie mistake. You gotta commit fully.

“You really look like a woman now” strikes me as the rare sort of sentence that could never not be creepy.

I thought of Gak when I saw this.


Maryann Johanson has some THOUGHTS

genuinely confused what sequence of events transpired for Hollywood to decide “AMERICA NEEDS ANOTHER PAUL BLART MOVIE”

The poster JUST said that they were still learning about cultural appropriation. They said it was an honest question and they really do not know. So why are you being so mean? Stop being a dick and assuming everyone is racist.

As with everything else, depends on who you talk to. For some this is seen as assimilation. For others, this is seen as appropriation because they and there family were not born into the culture. Yes, there are people out there who are argue that fresh from the continent African immigrants can not call themselves

Is that your line in the sand then, that it’s alright to copy elements of other cultures as long as they don’t hold any ceremonial or religious meaning?

Please if anyone can answer a probably dumb but honest question about cultural appropriation? I know a family from Africa who grew up there and came to the U.S. as older teens. The culture in the country they come from is very different than Black American culture. Since living here they have started to act, dress and

Because we are now a plutocracy, and money needs to be protected from the populace. Also because “cop” is one of the few jobs returning soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan have been able to find reliably. Essentially these are young people who grew up in the armed forces and now don’t really understand the difference

Because the empire is collapsing.

Because power corrupts, and cops have a lot of power. It is also likely true that the very nature of the job attracts people with a slightly violent streak.

Why is it that in America, officers who are supposed to protect the people end up being a threat to them?

You know, I grew up in a small-ish town in a small province where there was a lot of racism. It wasn’t as violent as this, but it was there. I didn’t grow up knowing it was wrong, just that it was normal - every said shitty things and it was just the way it was. It didn’t occur to me to think differently until I was

Can we please have a moratorium on national media outlets making pariahs out of children? I don’t want to live in a world where adults make money by “calling out” 14-year-olds.

Now playing

Feels like this should play in the background:


You appear to have a problem. Maybe try dialing the righteous indignation down to 11 and click here