
By far, my favorite use of misogynist slurs is when people proposition a woman for sex, and when turned down, accuse them of being a whore, slut, or other synonym that implies said woman will have sex with just about anybody.

Ha, you don’t have to apologize. It’s simply not the same as a face to face comment, is it? :)

You’ll never understand as long as you keep insisting that a decision that affects 4 other people directly is “personal.”

A-fucking-men. This is not something that we should be cheering. Just because one supports bodily autonomy and choice doesn’t mean you have to give some enthusiastic thumbs up and a smile for someone who made a hugely medically risky choice (what the hell doctor approved this?).

Your self-congratulatoriness should carry you far. Meanwhile, I'll happily judge the shit out of terrible, selfish choices, reproductive or otherwise.


42 =/= 65

If thinking this is a horrible idea makes me an ageist hater, point me to the club meeting.

Really? A sixty-five year old is your reproductive role model? Having IVF at forty (presumably without having kids beforehand) is a lot different then someone who already has a dozen kids and is pushing seventy.

No they're not. The choices directly affect four unborn children as well as the rest of her family. Her doctor is going against best practices and should be sanctioned. You don't have to support every choice every woman makes, you know.

40 is considered a totally viable age for IVF. 65 is not and transferring 4 embryos is not considered the standard of care at all.

Well, the person that told me that was in her early 20s. So I figure I’m already nearly dead to her mind.

Okay, whoever told you that is an idiot. My mom had my oldest sister at age 37 (a honeymoon baby), the next at 39, and me at 41. All of us were naturally conceived, so it is perfectly fine and normal for a woman to have kids around 40. My mom has seen all of us finish grad school, and I am sure she will live at least

If Betsey Johnson can still do perfect cartwheels at 72, age is truly nothing but a number.

I mean... you COULD be, but so could any parent. Mine was, and he was in his 20s when I was born. It’s always a leap of faith, and 40 is completely reasonable, and whoever said that to you needs to stfu.

Well, be that as it may, this makes me feel soo much better about considering IVF at nearly 40. Someone told me last month that I “could be dead” when the kid graduates HS.

Whether it was a man or a woman doing this, it’s incredibly unfair to the children.

Agreed. I give doctors serious sideeye for enabling these decisions.

Yes, let’s see how those four kids fare when their mother needs to be taken care of while they’re barely in their 20s.

“The female bod” didn't exactly make this one happen by itself. I hope everyone comes out of this reasonably healthy and well. Feminism shouldn't mean we have to applaud medically risky choices.