
That's a fantastic idea. Shit We Hate.

Hey, did you ever consider I might LIKE being a greasy bastard?!? (BTW Trailer Park Boys season 9 is now on Netflix)

I don't know why but I feel an immense level of satisfaction when you guys rip into a product for whatever reason. Can you make this a weekly feature?

Ay gurl!

If this is true, I am the filthiest, filthiest woman in the world.

Gawker...ripping Buzzfeed for deleting post critical of sponsor, yet disables comments on sponsored posts

Right? I travel and LOVE my simple old Kindle. Get books instantly, save money, and don't lug around tons of paper. Not sure what the issue is here. Not able to humblebrag by people seeing you're reading Tolstoy?

Luckily their sister school, Martin Luther King Jr. Late College, was able to take similar posters down before its students arrived.

Okay, this is a different issue, but what the hell is the deal with the hate for e-readers? I prefer my Nook for two reasons: I am moving around a lot because of different jobs and hauling books is a bitch, and I can read with a black background and white lettering. The white-on-black is so much easier on eyes and I

There is nothing “borderline” about an overhead boob shot. That is just creepy. End of line.

Some men are born great, some thrust great tacos inside of them. Repeatedly. For twenty years.

It really is becoming on a daily basis. I just read the article over on The Concourse about police brutality against minorities, so I might be a little more sensitive to the problems with the police than normal (because that was pretty harrowing). It just really fucking sucks.

It just never ends. Isn’t it clear yet that the entire fundamental nature of policing in this country is broken? We employ them to protect us from bad people and serve their communities. But what they actually do, nearly everywhere, is bully and do harm.

I can’t deal with this shit anymore. I want to move to a different country.

Because I know that someone in the comments will talk about how dangerous it is to be a police officer, just wanting to come home alive, etc.

It is more dangerous to be employed as a landscaper in America than it is to be employed as police officer. This is a fact that is true and is verifiable.

Fucking a. I came in wanting to say "Not for me". And its true. Every cop I've ever met, even when I fucked up as a teenager, was nice (or at least... respectfully assertive).

it's impossible to understate how poorly this stuff reflects on the US to outsiders. a while ago I had someone from Kenya ask me about all the cop shootings going on back home, saying how horrible it is. you know things are bad when someone from Kenya shows you sympathy for shit happening in your home country.

Upper class white men treating women like objects of fancy? Who knew?

As it’s customary in golf to report your own infractions, the creator of this slide show has already taken a multi-stroke penalty.