
I have thought about this a lot and I think she has lost a lot of weight + had her lips done. Also, I think Kanye is trying to cultivate an image of them that is futuristic and serious, like IRL Necromonger from The Chronicles of Riddick or something, hence the lack of smiling.

i wish i could be Kris Jenner's assistant & learn all her evil tricks & bend everyone in my life to my iron will not one of those Kim haters exactly I just dislike that she shows up in my preciousssss pop culture news constantly over dumb shit. And I actually really like Kanye and don't think he is as much of a joke as people wish he was, although Kim does not look good in his extremely unflattering clothes that look good

You Fools!

Is it just me, or has she become less facially expressive? She has that same (lack of) expression in every single photo now, whereas before she used to flirt with the camera. Staring off into the middle distance like mannequin. Meanwhile, Kanye is always expressing something negative — usually contempt, annoyance,

I think that would actual be kind of a rad job- fly all over the world witha ring side seat for two of the most intriguing celebrities of modern time- I mean love them or hate them people sure love to talk about what they are doing and you would actually see everything first hand. Like what are they really like as a

I probably sound unduly defensive of my own kink here, but if something's sentient, I really don't think the bestiality argument applies. And I like my demons able to carry on a conversation, so I'm not at all troubled by anything in my little collection from an ethical point of view.

Seriously, demon stories are my current jam. I'm really really annoyed about this. There is NOTHING wrong with them, they're urban fantasy except erotica for godsake.

Please don't take away our Hunter Fox:

Great menses euphemisms. I'm going to start calling it "calendar time."


Awe we sure she's not just a Firefly fan?

I would suggest heading over to cheap places that sell very trendy items to figure out what your "true self" is. Create one outfit (a dress, vest, leggings or red pants, floral blouse, giant museum earrings) and see how it feels when you wear it out. Keep expanding and looking for places that have quality items that

I'm didn't understand a lot of this Dirt Bag. But I am also really high. Sundays, amirite?

Jennifer Lawrence doesn't (necessarily) want to bang Bradley Cooper, but she will possibly split a burger and fries with him (or maybe order her own portion, 'cause she seems like the kind of chick who wouldn't want to share but in a good, eating-all-the-food-is-healthy way), because the duo, collectively, make up

The American Dream never existed. It's just rhetoric to keep us complacent with a small minority owning the bulk of the wealth. Why demand redistribution if someday you may get to be one of the elite?

Wow that paid endorsement for Casper mattress is going viral. I've been seeing ads for them everywhere. Now they're big time.

Plastic fantastic

I'm writing to you from a sunless tenement apartment that cannot adequately contain me, my two crazy kittens, and my out-of-control love of coats and books, so I am very very very jealous, let's be clear.

imgur? Was it on imgur? Cause if so holla, I too waded into that morass. Imgur is fun but maybe it's the demographics because lately there's this straw woman anti-feminism circle jerk tendency that's driving me batty.