
I know several parents who keep photos of their children offline due to custody battles, one set of twins whose parents were avoiding it during the adoption process due to legal recommendation, and there was a group of students at the high school I worked at whose images couldn't be shared online because they had

School board member Jim Martin, chairman of the policy committee, said it makes sense that Wake could require students to get a teacher's permission before using a district-owned device to take photographs and video. But he questioned how it could be applied to a student's personal device.

College is different, too, because you're not legally required to be there. If you mess up, you fail, and it's your problem, not the institution's.

Oh yeah, you'll never be able to police it. The school where I worked just totally banned cell phones except at certain times in specific locations, and even then, the kids were always sneaking them around. But I get having the rule in place, and limiting it as much as you can. I just hate when it's classified as

Apparently I'm a million years old, because I think that would be perfectly reasonable if the restriction were limited to school hours (meaning that selfies would be allowed during football games and the like). I wasn't allowed to have a cellphone in class at all when I was in school, but I can see there being room

I agree. I have nothing against kids having cell phones on school grounds, but leaving the devices in their lockers during class time is reasonable. If a student needs to contact a parent or a parent needs to contact a student while classes are in session, the front office is an effective option. If you'll excuse me,

When I was in high school, the big distraction was blond Jimmy from math class. *starry eyes*

I think it's a good thing. If we don't give kids clear, meaningless rules to break, how will they ever learn how much fun it is?

Two Jacksons, a Jack, a Liam, an Ethan, a Lily, and an Olivia have been born to friends of mine in the past three years. The Jacksons will DEFINITELY be Republicans. Most definitely. Good call.


Every time the name Emma comes up, I have to tell this anecdote.

I did not realize how popular the name "Sophie" had become until I adopted a pup in August and named her Sophie. When I was at the Laurel Canyon dog park the other weekend, there were like four other Sophies! I felt terribly unoriginal. Of course, my girl is dumb as a box of hammers and doesn't seem to know her name

Is it terrible I immediately clicked to make sure my son's name didn't make the cut?

Could he also be "accidentally" covered in feces? Because I think that would help.

I'm guessing they are following Australia's logic, which bans female ejaculation as a form of urolagnia, even though it's pretty well proven that it's not, in fact, urine.

And here I was thinking that "British porn" was just a euphemism for really nice houndstooth tweed jacket.

Well shit, now they have to re-write the whole fifth season of Downton Abbey.

And that's fine! I don't think they could have pulled off the parts with the task force and Kyra Sedgwick last year because Holt wasn't quite part of the team yet and now he is (example: him playing the "Why is Santiago late?" game).

I actually thought the show was funny even early on, and most critics seemed to agree. I don't think it's ever aspired to be as intelligent or exceptional as Arrested Development, but it's a good 25 minute laugh. It's silly and VERY typical of Samberg, but then again I like silly.

This is so powerful coming from a black man. Also, the media only wants to talk about black men when they're shuffling in shackles on the news, or doing something fucked up, so spreading this positivity is so important. I wish more men were on his team.