
Almost made it. With 16 hours left my mother decided to swear at me and my grandmother, storm off and now will not be going to dinner with us. I am so over it.

Buy a neti pot if you're not totally 100% stuffed up. I think you can get them at your local pharmacy (I know the one my mom shipped me came from CVS). It's weird — pouring water though your nose, but it really helps to clear things up. Sometimes I put tiger balm or vick's under my nose/on my chest. Good luck!

Replying to see if I am gray. If so, can someone please follow me so that I am no longer gray? I have been commenting forever (and been here for years), waiting to be permanently ungrayed. I was ungray for 3 hours and now I am not. I just don't get it.

I happen to be a fantasy nerd.

Have you seen Stardust?

Does that mean he doesn't smell anything? Does it impact his taste? That is so interesting! (Though probably not for him.)

I was in IKEA on my due date. The nesting hormones are real! You're doing great getting ready. Think positive thoughts, and have a great labor!

this reminds of the night I just felt such an urge to do the same! I packed my bag up, well my boyfriend did because I was nagging :D Woke up at midnight because I just felt the urge to clean the kitchen, two hours later I went into labor! Good luck darling! I hope you have a fairly quick and easy labor!

Mr. Beer and I spent the day decorating for Xmas, which we do every few years. We even got a tree yesterday.

I wrote a novel for November because it is national novel writing month. I was able to finish it on Thanksgiving. Now I just got to edit it. :)

A grown woman picking on children is about as classy as going to Buckingham Palace and asking Queen Elizabeth to pull your finger.


I always have a chuckle at people who passive aggressively take to social media to tell others they need to have more class.

What I wonder about is why Wilson's injuries are on the right side of his face, but in his testimony he was struck on the left side of his face. Nobody else curious? Apparently not the grand jury.


I'm a little conflicted about this (well, no, I'm not really). I always say that funerals are for the living. When Mr. Barge harps on and on about "nothing big for me, just cremation, no service, etc." I just smile, pat his hand, and ignore him. He'll be dead. I'm the one grieving so I'll decide what happens.

Something similar happened with the parents of a friend who died. His parents refused to accept he was gay, and the services were pretty offensive to any of his friends. So, I had a video of him on my computer that showed who he really was. I went up in front of everyone and played it. The father tried to grab my

Understand that to others, this is very real, hits very close to home, and is not about you.

And that's shitty to say, come on. This isn't just a black issue, this is a person issue, a human issue. Fuck the brutal fascist shits that make us unsafe in our streets, fuck the culture that makes those in power above reproach for violence they do to those they're supposed to protect. If this isn't about you and me

We shouldn't have to explain why...