
Sojourner Truth would be awesome!

the modern embodiment of how pursuit of success at all costs doesn't lead to some sort of satisfying karmic retribution and justice; it leads to wealth and power.

Sacajawea already had her face on currency. Same with Susan B. Anthony, who would be another great choice. I think Rosa Parks would be 100% awesome.

But aren't you a little worried that "brand" has been detached so completely from "product"? All she's selling is brand. It's so post-modern it hurts my head. Other brands manage to attach a product to their BS, but she is selling branded nothingness, and, as a person with at least one toe in The Real, I'm disturbed

Just from memory, all of the allegations came from the height of the "Do you know where your children are?" panic to the backdrop of the "Satanic Daycare" lie and a thousand other moral panics.

I know that he and his child-guests slept in the same bed and he might have given them alcohol to drink, but I don't remember any allegations that he performed sexual acts with them. (For instance, I totally believe Dylan Farrow's testimony against Woody Allen, I'm just unfamiliar about what was alleged against MJ

Is there a difference between a pedophile and a child molester? I think OP would argue that he's the latter but not the former, as he wasn't sexually attracted to children. I don't think that all pedophiles are child molesters, though the terms are often used interchangeably.

Not to diminish the concerns of trans men, but this article was pretty much about the recent and loud campaign to convince cis men that anything about their bodies or lives they are dissatisfied with can be fixed with more testosterone. They're even advertising it in my gym, which normally seems less inclined to jump

I'd like to see that too. So I Googled "ass fucking stuff." And one of the first things I see is this delightful pencil sharpener. I bet Michael Jackson doesn't have one of these.

Yeah. Alcohol does suppress test, and while I'm drinking less, it's not zero. I'll give it up when pot's legal ;)

I'd like to take this opportunity to offer my couch-psychiatry diagnosis that Michael Jackson wasn't a pedophile. He was just a fucking weirdo obsessed with re-creating a happy childhood that he never had. Maybe his relationships with children were not healthy (in that he didn't understand his proper role as an

Seriously though - why does it seem like every celebrity post is centered in Ibiza?

Seems Lindy has removed my comment, even though it received 10 stars. Guess we can't criticize authors here even though what they wrote was mean-spirited and nasty.

From everything I've heard, the working out, drinking less and less stress can cause your T levels to rise on their own as well. Stuff we eat and how we live can cause fluctuations.

I was thinking maybe he wasn't putting orange goop on his face, just on the rest of his body. He does also have a very tiny head, though. Also, I think it might be Andy Garcia.

She's bisexual. She has stated this many times. That means you can be attracted to both men and women— which seems like it may be a hard concept for you to grasp. "Acting straight" has little to do with it.

I know it's bronzer, but I don't think there should be any scenario where human skin has the same color as a rotisserie chicken. Yes, I know it gives the body more definition underneath the competition lights, but still...

I feel like Michelle might be channeling Miss Benes' moves a bit...

I would watch the hell out of that.

Instead of Nation Z syfy should've done an alternate history spinoff of the black plague brings people back as zombies set in medieval europe. Instead of a post apocalypse would it be considered a pre apocalypse?