
yeah it almost feels like a performance piece.

Yes!! My stupid ass decided to watch that pregnant and alone while my husband was on nights. I was like this will be like an extended cops or law and order. NO! NO! I ended up calling my husband and being like I'll be locked in our bedroom with our two dogs and maybe even stay up all night so just call out when you

Dogs are one of the most effective deterrents for break-ins because the alarm may make noise and the police may be on their way but you have to deal with a dog NOW. The other thing I learned in self-defense classes is that thinking about scenarios in your head is an effective way of preparing so imagine a guy in your

Oh it's there, now we wait...

I forgot all about that video. This made my day!

Yeah I've been binge watching the early seasons again to remind myself why I liked it as a fun, guilty pleasure and it's so bizarre to watch it transform from half decent show to the all Tyra all the time crazy fest. Booty tooch and now the male equivalent bootching and all her tyraisms... I miss the old halcyon days

Until I read this, until this very moment, I didn't catch that I was doing the exact same thing.

Book SPOILERS - Finish the book is my rec - it got better or at least a faster read.

Yeah why are we caring so much about Frank all of a sudden? Totally agree book Frank was a wet sock and I'm glad they've livened up TV Frank but I'm confused about why they devoted so much screen time to Frank in this last episode. I've only read book 1 so maybe his story matters more in the later books or are they

The answer to your problem is clearly to read some books! So far they've been pretty faithful and I had started and stopped the book after they boned (in the book that is, I got to the boning and then was like, "meh") and then once we got there in the show I was like I must have more! I gave the book a second try and

FYI: Spoilers from book ahead.

He was in the intelligence service. Remember when Claire was shipping off to the front and he was staying in London and doesn't wear uniforms? Also the book tells you that. It's not a spoiler, they tell you the same place they talk about Claire being a nurse.

If you have an iPhone, groove book is an awesome app/service where for $2.99/month you upload directly from your phone up to 100 photos and they send you a booklet with printed photos that you can leave in the book or tear out (perforated). The books are nice and cute and it's a great way to save special great photos

I'm glad you're exploring and to that end you should get vibrator. When you learn about yourself that way all kinds of sex gets better. Your husband will love it too!

I couldn't agree with you more about Claire's mistake in viewing Lord Thomas as a friend rather than a mark. When he was introduced I was like perfect, play your cards right Clair and make this man want to be your knight in shining armor by playing the fair damsel in distress. But then Claire starts drinking claret

And if they don't deliver forget a strongly worded letter, Starz is apt to have a riot on their hands!

And that is what I came here to offer.

Not saying it isn't, just thought it was interesting. You asked when does shaming people actually work in modifying behavior and here was one area where it can work. (though I do agree that imagining other people judging you is qualitatively different than others actually judging you)

Cleaning. I read that imagining people looking at your house is a proven way to motivate yourself into cleaning and maintaining a cleaner environment.

I know precisely the episode you're referring to. Giddy up.