
Let's just let ladies who like this sort of stuff to read it and get their jollies in peace! I used to love the crap on 50 Shades fest, mea culpa, but now it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Why does it have to be politically correct or well written? Can't this just be a smutty novel that gets some ladies off

Brazen it out. Reschedule. You'll be fine :)! Why risk a negative outcome that can easily be avoided?

Wait it's at the OB? Is it legally mandated? Otherwise why would they be testing you? I just had a baby last year and they never drug tested me. Is it Alabama law to test all pregnant ladies? Surely not! Just cancel your OB appointment that week, say you have to reschedule. The OB scheduling department isn't going to

Drink water. If you can get it too watered down you will need to retake it. That will buy you a week or so.

No. Lindy you are wrong on this, just plain wrong! This hat and what is that a neckerchief(?) combo is just fabulous. Is it just because it borders on actual chic rather than out and out ridiculous that it's ranked so poorly!? I would try and wear this no joke.

Yes!? And when she was topless towards the end with the banner was that a lady Godiva reference? I don't know, I feel like they were just trying to hit a lot of tropes and hot chick astride a horse is one checked off alongside the glitter throwing, the ballerina, glowing ball of light in child's hands, staircase from

So I read your comment and was like "I thought Anaconda was everyone's new favorite thing"? So I watched the video. Yeah not sure why that's gotten rave reviews and we're freaking out about this one... Maybe Anaconda owns her own sexuality but even then, neither seems fabulously empowering.

I am right there with you: I tried to read it before because everyone always goes on about it being a classic and sooo good and a few times I'd pick it up, start reading and inevitably move on. The series comes out on Starz and I'm hooked, I want more. Back to the books I go and it's the same old story that also puts

I am now humming that ad under my breath, especially the ending. Maybe you should consider opening a new old timey ad agency. Your first account: vitameatavegimen.

amazons trying to get me to do Amazon mom which is something similar to this, recurring diaper deliveries. Though a box of Luvs is like $22 and I got some on sale for $17 and not sure if I need more than 2 boxes a month so how is $79 a deal? Seriously asking, I'm all about saving $ with baby stuff, they are expensive

I think part of the problem is that a lot of women read them but very few publicly admit to reading them. So I've tried to be honest about loving them lately BUT, yeah those covers.

So I was at the beach last week and found it super interesting that people have no problem flashing murder mystery covers but you could always tell who was reading a romance novel by how diligently they kept the cover hidden. Chick-lit covers less so but I could totally guess who was reading romance novels by how

Yeah I liked the show so much I went and started reading the books (I've been meaning to anyways). There are a few lines directly from the book and this is one of them. It is definitely "so can St.Paul".

I've heard this mentioned when did this happen? How did I miss it?

Yes please can we! I've only seen episode 1 but now am a quarter into the book because it made me want more more more! I loved the casting (Jamie is perfect), setting, and the music; it all combined into pure magic!

The thing that kills me is you pay others to watch you kids so clearly it's of value but when you do it for free you're lazy....!

God daycare is so expensive. I'm working part time and after taxes and daycare there goes most of my salary. But I am glad I get to watch him in the afternoons. It's an impossible choice!

Luciano's taco truck by the Krankies airstream on Reynolda, saturdays around noon. I'll have to check out the Old Salem market, I've never gone to that one.

What a comprehensive Winston description! I was shocked Mary's was the restaurant.