
Dan Savage has a bad rep around here? Why? I have just recently discovered the Savage Lovecast and am loving it and find his advice quite good! What's the problem?

Forever because I think they'd love to write headlines calling it her miracle baby and go on about doctors are scared and do all this handwringing about it and how its bad for the baby, her health etc. I really am fascinated by this targeted obsession with this one woman's womb!

And why this obsession with Jennifer Aniston being pregnant? Like maybe its a mistake of correlation and causation. Like the magazines think: we sold magazines when this was the cover story and thus we sold magazines because this was the cover story?

Did you drink the glowstick? I was always so tempted to break them open and play with them. What happens if you open it? My Dad said it burned so I was scared to try.

That is some solid gold coping right there! I used to answer alternate questions like "Why are you such a little shit?" I'd answer "I hear prune juice can help with that." Or "Do you want your father and I to divorce?" I'd answer with "Blueberry waffles are so much better than maple but to each their own." My brother

I cannot tell you how glad I am cellphones with cameras were not a thing when I was in middle school and high school!

Did you listen to that episode? I wondered about that too. Even though they changed his voice (I think) and kept him anonymous I always wondered if speaking out about his experience would come back to haunt him. I mean there really is no greater stigma!

I've totally done that! Started giving the wrong number and then gotten so flustered that I forgot the number :)

A really interesting examination of pedophilia was done by a This American Life episode where they talked to this kid who I think was 19 but led a support group for people who self-identified as pedophiles but refused/pledged not to act on their urges. It was a really new look at the reality of the fact that some

Get on it! This sounds like a no-fail business plan to me. And just to up your chances for success, can't go wrong adding some butter to it!

You make a lot of good point: it is totally unlikely a vasectomy will discourage future reckless driving. What about addressing this issue in the context of Child Support Enforcement? Like you have 7 kids, aren't paying child support and as a condition of not going to jail for unpaid child support you agree to get a

Are you an expert on vasectomies? And the topic at hand is infringing on this guy's bodily autonomy so I don't think its derailing to examine why we feel some kinds of intrusions into personal bodily autonomy are okay and others aren't. I'm fine with this, in both cases, and was hoping others who felt so strongly

Bearing a relation to the crime is a valid point. But I don't think the medically helpful argument gets around the bodily autonomy problem. I have represented someone who hated his psych meds, said they made him feel like he was trapped in wool and took away what he believed to be his personality but in the end he

No but forcing someone to ingest medication that alters their mental state as a condition of early release infringes on bodily autonomy too. Offering them treatment is not the same as mandating it but there are plenty of times where people with mental illness are told that medication must be a condition of their

I don't think this dehumanizes him. How do you feel about plea bargain where someone with a mental illness is offered conditions for release that include mandatory medication?

Welcome to the justice system. You want a trial with the possibility of 25 years or you want a plea bargain for 7? Whenever prison is on the table you are faced with unpalatable choices and remember it's not like he's being forced to choose between freedom with a vasectomy and prison without just for having children.

I don't either. I think it's primarily that he is free to choose whether he wants probation with a vasectomy or to simply serve more time. Also it's reversible! I find it similar to offering pedophiles chemical castration as a condition of early release. No way he's paying child support on 7-8 children so the state is

Okay I think it's just maybe the nature of auto tune but there is a striking similarity in both vocal tone and style to one Rebecca Black (of Friday fame). It's like she's talking the lyrics not singing.

Colby Jack is Cheese anus has burrowed its way into my subconscious and I fully expect it will bias me against this cheese in the future. Like I won't remember exactly why but I'll be like gross... That's an insidious line right there.

Right but working with Child Support Enforcement cases I can tell you that A LOT of these men have families and often are accruing thousands of dollars of child support while in prison. Paying them minimum wage for their work could allow them to meet their child support obligations and contribute money that is