
When it comes to BioWare, I’d be more upset if I wasn’t able to play a super lady loving lesbian warrior than if the game had micro-transactions.

I don’t get it. Did the editors not watch the movie? The last 10 minutes are practically an apology for having women be leads in this movie. Rose could still die from her injuries, Leia will most likely be written out of the next movie and Rey is no longer a key player now that we have that force using boy at the end.

One slight fuckup and you’re dead instantly. I saw Apollo 13.

I’m on reserve for one of these lovely ladies right now. While discussing battery ranges, someone brought up an interesting point on the economics of the long range battery upgrade.

Wait... Iden could see the destruction of Hosnian Prime on a different planet than the one Maz was on? What is going on here? I know we’re in a sci-fi/fantasy setting here, but this is like someone living in London and seeing the Hiroshima mushroom cloud by simply looking out of their bedroom window that was facing

So is this a snuff game all of a sudden? Geez.

I think a more accurate assessment of Half-Life’s confusing level design stems more from Red Herrings than being a maze like structure. What threw me off on a constant basis were those darn doors that don’t open.

Be careful, because you’re changing your argument from an artistic and creative standpoint to a monetary principal.

This is a move to get butts in seats for the sequel.

That’s not what Dinky meant. If Blade Runner is going to broaden it’s scope beyond the film medium, anime ‘is’ the perfect fit for it. Whether or not the content will be any good is a whole different issue entirely.

Havlock, you’re making an argument without having a point. Many franchises have existed in many different mediums. Batman was a success in the live action movies and yet many fans say that his depiction in the animated series is the best depiction of the character yet. Again, an animated series on a kids channel.

Not nearly as awesome compared to what Nintendo says you should do with it.

Also, %100 of all the money towards obtaining the DLC goes to my family. This is upon discovering that NOT ALL of the money paid for the ‘Memorial DLC’ will go towards the family.

This is going in so many directions I should have anticipated. One moment...

“Whenever Mario uses a gun, it all seems extremely family-friendly.”

You do that.

Unless it’s free, don’t memorialize me as DLC. Those are my wishes. Please respect them.

I’ve had it up to *raises hand high* here with these Bro characters driving around Bro County in their pimped out bro car. There are simply too many bros in this game.

I told some of my family this news, and they all laughed at me.