
Is it?! I’d rather fall splat on the ground than be caught in my birthday suit!

Well I don’t think it’s a tough choice. I mean, look at the invisibility icon. It doesn’t make your clothes invisible!

Just a couple of years ago, this post would be a “New Club Nintendo Reward Announcements!” And I would be ordering up everything with the points I’ve gathered. Sigh, I miss being rewarded for my loyalty.

Anyone grab these before the system was taken down?

Chuck should be in something... ANYTHING! But if I had his talent on hand, I’d have him be my script supervisor.

I always thought the song was kind of miss-placed given that it was the Fallout 3's player character that was called “The Lone Wanderer” and Fallout 4's character called the sole survivor.

I just think it’s weird that Shep calls TWOK the second best film since Trek09 lifts so much from it. Even more so than STID. Maybe it’s how Trek09 treats women as emotional baggage, someone’s girlfriend and are not allowed to show their ranks unlike the male officers. Confirmed! Shep doesn’t like the ladies. Game’s

I just think it’s weird that Shep calls TWOK the second best film since Trek09 lifts so much from it. Even more so

Metroid: Return of Samus indeed.

Metroid: Return of Samus

“Driver Miis now properly showing facial expressions”

At this point, I’d be happy if she was just a little smaller.

Now playing

Children. A chance for the series to incorporate some really unique ideas in terms of setting and tone. You know? Make things look ‘not so samey’ like this horrible example.

It’s a pity the Mac version will never be carried over. It had a much higher resolution and (in my opinion) a much improved midi score.

I think another limitation that holds back good sex scenes in video games are breasts. Not the fact that they show naked breasts at all, but depending on the size, breasts actually shift around. In video games, breasts are, for lack of a better term, static. They have no physics to them at all. I think this is why in

As long as it’s not a ‘prophecy’, I’m good with anything else.

All this work and they give every single Asari (minus Peebee) the same baby shaped face.

Also, Star Trek did it first. :P

...was it a boy or a girl?

Hey, far be it for me to say what should and shouldn’t be important to fans of gaming. But for this fan who was there for StarCraft since it’s first entry, I can tell you that Kerrigan’s popularity is thanks in no small part to Glynnis Talken Campbell.

Not in terms of the base game. They originally had the original actress, Glynnis Talken Campbell reprise her role of Kerrigan in SC2 footage at Blizzcon, but was later replaced by Tricia Helfer the following year. I was there at the Blizzcon when they announced Tricia Helfer as the voice for Kerrigan and I can safely