
They better not replace Kerrigan’s original voice actor.

My apologies, I didn’t word that properly. But on that note, while Dorian technically does leave your Inquisitor, the two of you have by no means broken up. You two share a crystal that allows you to communicate with one another and your Inquisitor is seen taking time to see him. And let’s not forget that the

Maybe we’ll get more juicy scenes for all the characters in a future DLC? BioWare has a good track record of adding more character moments in their DLC than not. The Citadel gave us some very nice intimate moments with other characters, and Tresspasser allowed you to have your first gay wedding!

Sigh, ok Kotaku. I’ll give you my story.

I never said race choice is what made ME unique. I said humans are not what makes ME unique. How many other science fiction stories involve humans? A lot. How many involve the races in Mass Effect? Just Mass Effect. Playing as a human and only caring about human interests in a franchise that is so rich in it’s diverse

You’d think that BioWare, the studio that developed Dragon Age which incorporated multiple playable races would use this as an opportunity to allow gamers the option of choosing an alien race. Why not focus on the elements that makes this franchise unique instead of going the Gene “If it’s not about humanity, what’s

Jack Harper, aka the Illusive Man, head of the orginization Cerberus. A pro-human orginization that seeks to cement humanity as the dominate species in the galaxy. Not good.

Hey, I would have conceded to the point that Revan was male long ago if there was anything on this package that said as such. This packaging does not. Also, The Old Republic is where the KOTOR canon branches off since the first two games featured moments where choices made in the first game carried over (One of them

Dictate their IP? BioWare literally gave players the option of choosing Revan’s gender. That’s not dictation, that’s a choice. And that outfit that Revan wears to which this figure is based on? It was literally designed by the art department to not reveal the look and gender of Revan’s character. The whole point of

He’s a droid who is identified as male in both that description and in the movie. Just like how R2-D2 and C-3PO are identified as male in their movies. Is there some hidden issue here?

Well, if Hasbro was going to honor the MMO’s depiction of the male Revan, why not have Revan’s helmet be removable and show a head that’s identical to the Revan’s likeness as seen in the MMO? There are plenty of Black Series figures with removable helmets and Hasbro has taken completely CGI characters and transferred

Knights of the Old Republic and it’s MMO The Old Republic are NOT CANON. It’s a piece of the old canon (now called legends) that is still kicking around because, well, it’s still a pretty successful MMO. So as far as Disney’s canon is concerned, Revan can be male or female.

Just an FYI, the official package description for Revan lacks any gender specific identity.

Just an FYI, the official package description for Revan lacks any gender specific identity.

I read that headline thinking this was an article about being told to stay home rather than going on trips you obviously can’t afford. Glad I’m passed that phase of my expectations.

With f/f human/alien romance!

The way I see it, games that actually allow you to legitimately pair female characters together (BioWare games, Recent Bethesda titles) does make or a satisfying experience. I really like this genre and I really enjoy the possibilities many titles have presented us.

Super Mario Galaxy

When it comes to Cataclysm, two words spring instantly to mind.

Link to a tweet that shows that the big eye moves.