
When you confront Benny, you can do one of many things.

Ever since I experienced Fallout 4’s pathos inducing storyline involving your PC character’s son, I felt that this would have made for a better Telltale Game than an open world Bethesda one. Having a singular motivation that is the focal point of the vault dweller just doesn’t allow for the same level of immersion as

If the mods can give my Fallout 4 character a true clean slate where I don’t have to search for a son I’d be all for it. Unfortunately this game wants me to care about that bit of detail so much I cannot possibly imagine that working out in any way.

This just emphasizes why I wish the game allowed players to do these kinds of things that didn’t involve sequence breaking the game. I thought Intimidation would give me the option to get out of combat in some dialogue choices, but it didn’t. Heck, not even intimidating an enemy does much good for long because about

Too bad he can’t do a pacifist/kill everything run in Fallout 4.

I think Bethesda believed that giving your player character a son was their way of making Fallout 4 more ‘personal’ than the other installments. Sad part is, I’m not a parent and I don’t want kids (Well, not yet at least), so making me care about something I don’t want to care is not going to end well. It would have

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Poor Kurt. It had to be this particular art piece that Apogee used for their “Duke Nukem Trilogy” trailer at E3 2008. Just wait till you get to 3:16.

I always appreciated how Jedi finally took the galactic civil war and actually made it ‘galactic’. If you look at IV and V, the Rebellion/Empire is nothing but a bunch of white humans fighting each other who’s only noticeable difference are their accents. When Return of the Jedi came around, you finally got the sense

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Pspsps. My friend has had these kind of twitter followers since September. They love his set up.

*sees a picture of Mario bowing his head with a sad look. Looks at title “Mario’s Voice Actor-*

If they’re seeing the game done from this angle, they’re essentially looking down right on top of them, which would make sitting in that kind of position impossible.

I remember altering “Amnesia: Justine” so that there were no monsters (Suitors) and I actually found the experience far more creepy. Like the cellar room for example where Basile hunts for you. Being into that room with the candles going out was scary enough, but trying to get out of there and having that fixed

There is actually a log entry in Catherine’s quarters regarding this scene. This machine was essentially made specifically for WAU to inhabit, and it did it’s job so well that it not only copies the whole room, but Reed as well.

If you examine some of the Pathos-2 crew very closely and wait for a few seconds, beyond the hard breathing and grotesque mutations to their bodies, they actually talk aloud about what they’re experiencing in their own mind. What they say is calm, collected and in other cases, happy. One person in TAU was talking

Manos: The Hands of Fate Restoration. The BluRay is currently shipping to its backers and is being prepped for regular release sometime in the Winter.

Wendy?.... Your lambkins is here..... Where is she?

One of my favorite aspects of “Lair of the Shadow Broker” was how it could not only be played after the main story line, but also acknowledge it through dialogue. I find it to be a much more satisfying ending to ME2 as a whole than the actual ending it gave us for the main story.

Let me guess. Midi-Chlorians in it’s most purest form turns out to be... the black goo. The thing we loath turns out to be the reason for our existence!

Wait a minute. Smash features curved grounds but Mario Maker still doesn’t?

You know that term writers of Star Trek use when they come up with nonsensical reasons why something happens even though the workings of it should be beyond our understanding?