An Atheist Jew

If you show up a family’s home and shoot their beloved pet dead, you are a fucking asshole, period. Regardless of job, orders, the type of animal, or whatever. Short of the thing being a proven man-eater, or proven carrier of a highly-infectious disease, I can’t think of a single situation where this is an okay thing

There are free emulators that have been able to load up any game in the fucking library for at least 17 years. WHY bother with this?!

I have a Google Home and I’m confused as to how they have one with a female voice and one with a male voice. I have no option to change the voice’s gender in the device’s settings, so what the fuck?

Are you sure those people are neo-Nazis and not, just, people on the internet being people on the internet? I mean, I make Jew jokes all the time, but that doesn’t mean I hate em. Us. We. You know what I mean.

Also I’m allowed.

There better be some kind of discount for current Vive owners on the new headset, because if not...fuck you, HTC.


Penises and vaginas.

But probably penises more than vaginas.

And for a total of 8 fucking minutes in the whole movie. What a shit show.

Of course, the new Godzilla only appears in like, 20 or 30 minutes of the entire two hour Shin Godzilla release.

Hey! Guess what? Fascists do not deserve a fucking voice.

Fuck their freedom of speech, fuck their constitutional rights. They are sub-human garbage, spreading a message of disgusting fear and hatred, and giving them a voice has led to nothing but the proliferation of their ideals.

And that’s the end of the argument.

Now playing

Oh, so now you giant bloody idiots pay attention? He’s been saying shit like this for two years.

And at least some of you damned fools put him in power. Oh, well done.

Dishonored 1/2, Space Hulk, ZOMBI, Portal 2, DOOM 2016, Bioshock Infinite, Fallout 4, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Shadow Warrior 1/2, Battlefield Bad Company 1/2, both new Deus Ex games, Borderlands 2, and a whole bunch of other very good SP FPS titles would like to shit all over that statement of yours.

Did this cease to be in effect at midnight yesterday? Because it’s $20 again.

Chokers are super hot.

The fact that Clash Royale has a fucking pro circuit fills me with immense exasperation and a general sense of lebensmüde.

Fuck this planet.

Batman/Bruce Wayne isn’t voiced by Kevin Conroy in this, which means it’s not a great portrayal of Batman/Bruce Wayne at all. Nobody but Conroy can be the Bat, and anyone else that attempts it sounds wrong on a fundamental level. I mean, you can tell the guy doing the voice is trying to sound like Conroy, but he’s not

I hate to defend Comcast in any way, but this isn’t their fault. These people are subcontractors that happen to be driving Comcast-branded trucks. It’s the fault of the asshole electrical engineers. They are, to put it precisely, “pieces of shit”. Hopefully they’ll be fired, but they probably won’t be.


I cannot accept that Gates, with all of his humanitarian work, would be in support of that orange piece of shit coming into the Presidency. He must have been replaced by a cyborg.

So, he’s a fucking liar. Disappointing, but I can’t say I’m surprised. Now I just dislike the obnoxious twit a bit more.

I think I’ll just wait until someone mods the game on PC so that I can run around in that powered armor all the time.

What you want, the changes you would like to see, would require a fundamental shift in human nature. That being that people, specifically men, are drawn to watch stuff that has tits and/or bare skin, and production studios realize this and so capitalize on it. In other words, it’s never going to change.

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