An Atheist Jew

Well that’s ridiculous! FIX IT!

I really don’t give a shit anymore. About comics, I mean. Let them do whatever terrible crap they want.

Because people with a lot of money are usually complete idiots with that money.

It’s amazing to me that this blatant hentai content can actually get airtime in Japan. While television in Japan is unashamedly sexualized, this is...well, porn. I’m certain the bluray releases will be completely uncensored (at least as far as that shit goes in Japan)...which will be the time to actually watch the

No, it is not time to play it again...ever. I was bored out of my bloody mind by this thing.

I don’t give two shits about herding cows.

Because *that* stupid thing could hold two of every animal ever, including fucking dinosaurs apparently. Would someone please burn it down, already?

Geez...Japan just has the worst luck when it comes to space exploration. I wonder what’s the deal with that.

Eh, yes and no. Unfortunately Bethsoft is a company owned by a corporation - Zenimax, and Zenimax does not give two shits about things like “production pipelines” or “creativity” or “content”. They care about their bottom line, the budget, and profit.

So when Bethsoft says “we’re gonna need $20 million bucks to make

I haven’t a clue, but I also don’t really care. It should have been done, regardless.

I wasn’t even aware of this kickstarter, which is a shame, but it’s been made, so that’s good!

Also, “premieres for backers” means “premieres for everyone”, because bittorrent.

Okay...fuck Spain’s court. This woman had clear intent to murder with a ton of supporting evidence, and they issue a fucking restraining order? How about psychiatric incarceration? You know, because crazy people don’t fucking care about restraining orders.

You may not be surprised at all by how often those two things are linked together. The guiding interpretation of an imaginary deity figure’s arbitrary rules often provide a focus for the mentally ill to either A) Seek treatment or B) Kill people.

usually B.


You left out religious indoctrination.

Although I suppose that could be included in et cetera.

I really hope at some point he’s able to get the game fully voiced in Japanese. The English is fine, but I think I’ll have a lot more fun with it when chicks go KYA! instead of AHH! etc.

Obviously selling helium to the consumer market so it can be wasted filling up fucking balloons is a practice that should be banned. YOU DON’T NEED FLOATY BALLOONS AT YOUR PARTY WE HAVE MAGNETS TO MAKE

Yes. It’s a script extender. To simplify the explanation, it’s a separate application that launches skyrim, expands what the game can do beyond the initial scope of the dev team, and allows for massive, sweeping changes through mods. It’s not something that can ever be implemented on a closed system like a console.


How about if they made the game not a piece of shit?

That would be a great start.

I’m not sure if staying in the US is a good idea either. I’ve been looking to permanently move to somewhere like Germany or Sweden or Japan for a while...which might be a lot more difficult very soon.

I guess I need to put Guam on my list.
