An Atheist Jew

Before it’s said too many times, when I wrote the comment the BBC was reporting that the North were substantially in favor of leaving the EU over all regions, but that’s been made clear to me to be not the case.

Unfortunately with Kinja being the shite that it is, I can’t update the original comment. When I wrote it the BBC was reporting that the North were substantially in favor of leaving the EU of all regions, but that’s been made clear to me to be not the case.

I’m going with “rural centrist regions” for now. It’s their

Thanks for the update, when I wrote the comment the results up on the BBC were reported as the North being majority Leave votes.

So what would you call that then, “the rural centrist”?

Gaki no Tsukai’s annual Batsu punishment specials have been doing this for a looooooong time. It’s always hilarious!

Also, by the way, everyone can see those amazing batsu games here, with English subs! :

I never get tired of this track...or this album, come to mention it.

I’ll happily amend my comment if true, but the BBC results I saw when I wrote the thing placed a huge majority of Leave votes on the North.

As a British ex-pat living in the States, I wish to send a hearty fuck you to all of those bloody ignorant fools in the North that capitulated to their fear and bigotry, and voted to leave the EU. Thanks for fucking up everything, you giant great twits.

May fire consume you.

Because they’ve made the wrong fucking choice, one based on ignorance, racism, nationalism, fear, and ignorance. I said ignorance twice because the people that voted to leave the EU are a bunch of uneducated hicks from the North.


As a Vive owner, Oculus/Facebook can fuck right off.

As a Rift owner, Oculus/Facebook can fuck right off.

At this rate I’ll probably be selling my rift some time soon. The lack of roomscale and 1:1 controls PLUS all of this exclusivity garbage just makes the company and product not something I really want to support.

You apply “Humanity has hit a new low” to this?

I’m more offended by the complete idiocy of that statement than the crime it’s referring to.

I would find this absolutely hilarious and would love to see it implemented community-wide.

The obnoxious fucker is a multi-millionaire at this point - just a buy a house and build a studio in the basement and make as much fucking noise as you want.

That this is even an issue for him is ridiculous.

It’s amazing, Patrick, that you’re able to write a whole article about Oculus Touch without mentioning that the Vive is a thing which has had this technology since launch, availale now, and that it’s very shitty of Oculus to be seeking/securing exclusives.

But you know, whatever. Keep on journaling.

So it’s Skyrim, but Zelda?

I can get behind that, I guess.

Or just play Skyrim with Zelda mods. There are certainly enough of them.

Agreed. I imagine I’ll enjoy it as much as I did in that Assassin’s Creed short spinoff game where you’re a black pirate guy slaughtering bastard French slave drivers/sellers/plantation owners. I enjoyed that so much.

Kevin Conroy is Batman. No other representation is acceptable. Ditto with Mark Hamill and everyone else from the animated series...except those that might be dead.

So, a game that has no Kevin Conroy, no Mark Hamill, no Adrienne Barbeau, no Richard Moll, no Bob Hastings etc can fuck right off.

Ugh and for fuck’s sake.

A couple that doesn’t have $60 of disposable income between them is a couple that seriously needs to reconsider their life choices.

I can afford this, and fucking hate folding laundry, and so does my girlfriend, and we don’t have a child or slave to do it for us, so - yes, I’d buy this for my house.