An Atheist Jew

Totally, utterly forgot this thing even existed. Way to stay relevant!

I enjoyed this show a lot. It has some of most badass, brutal combat I’ve ever seen in a Gundam series. The main character is a ruthless, emotionless little bastard that gives completely no shits about honor, military pomp and ceremony, or any of that garbage. He’s an attack dog - they point him at an enemy and say

This was an amazing show. Fuck you, Disney.

Soooo it’s CAH? They just stole the concept and put their own stupid shit on the cards, and they’re gonna make well over $500k? The success of Rooster Teeth is something I’ll never understand.

NO! Wait, they cater to idiots. I understand after all!

As much as I don’t want or need Windows 10, I will need it for DX12 stuff in the future, so I’ll have to upgrade before July 29th, as I’ll not drop $120 on the damn thing.

The biggest bummer I have with it at the moment is that certain applications, like the brilliant Clover file explorer shell replacement doesn’t

Sorry I just saw your comment. It’s been 5 months, of course, but what are you on about?

Disney makes billions a year, and this - THIS is what they shut down? Not all of the stupid horse shit TV shows and shitty movies, but this?

Every time I forget that I hate Disney, they give me a solid reminder! Oh yeah! I hate Disney!

You both worked from home, meaning you both could work from anywhere, and you DIDN’T go with her to the UK?

That, I don’t understand.

Kids are stupid and naive. Let them be kids. You’ll have all the time in the world once they hit their teens to crush their spirit with the weight of the world.

Dark Forces was great, but the best Star Wars game ever? TIE-Fighter Collector’s CD-ROM.

That’s it.

10 minutes is pretty shitty flight time, but it would get me the 12 miles to work! I drive there in 15 minutes at 60 mph, and that’s not taking a direct beeline, over buildings and whatnot.

It could work! I find myself in a position where I could actually afford a commercialized version of this. Exciting!

There’s are two big problems with marketing this to an American audience, namely that

1) Most Americans don’t know where Amsterdam is.
2) Most Americans don’t give two shits about Amsterdam.

So...maybe focus less on the fact that it takes place in Amsterdam?

I imagine it’s because they know that 99.99% of whatever an auction brings in is going to be embezzled or stolen my government and military officials.

Corruption in 3rd world nations is,’d basically be the weird one not to engage in it.

Black and White is an amazing game and now I think I should go and play it again. Shame on Microsoft. Lionhead was a great company.

They’re not called “shitty Chinese knock-offs” for nothing. I mean, that’s a phrase that exists. Now personified, I guess?

I’ve been playing the game for the last few weeks, it is genuinely, stupidly fun. I can usually get in the top 5 players within a couple minutes at this point.

One thing I’m sorry to see recently, though, is the inclusion of bots. Lots and lots of bots. It’s easy to tell a bot from a human because of identical

Sooner or later this guy is going to kill himself, and we’re all going to watch it happen on youtube.

Sponsored by Ford.

If China is the reason we get tons of shitty sequels, “fuck you, China.” seems to be an appropriate response.

You know, putting aside all the decades of mass infanticide in the rural provinces and human rights abuses, etc.

If the Japanese are good at one thing, it’s queuing up to buy and/or play shit.

Fortunately they’re also good at a very many other awesome things. But queuing! They’re great at that.
