An Atheist Jew
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Is anyone really surprised? As of Q4 2015, Windows phones have less than 1.1% global market share. That means that of the 325 million smart phones sold in Q4 2015, only around 3.5 million Windows phones were sold. That is horrible, especially when more than 80% of that number were Android devices.

People aren’t buying

I’m not sure if it’s been said just yet, but Safari is a piece of shit. Which is why most Mac users don’t use it.

Peace out.

There’s a reason they’re doing this, people - you stink. USE IT. SHOWER OFTEN. STOP STINKING UP MY CONVENTIONS WITH YOUR DANK SMELLS

The fact that they’re doing this is not indicative of their bad judgement, but the fact that clearly there’s a large percentage of the gamer/nerd/whatever population that don’t understand

Illusion is responsible for some of the best AND absolute worst hentai games that exist. Not just in quality, but in content. The kind of fucked up mind that would come up with games which are all about rape, I hope I never meet.

The game is easily one of the best designed in literally a decade. They did an absolutely phenomenal job, and everyone should buy it. That said, it is difficult. So difficult that for most of the bosses I ended up just cheating to get past them (The South/Desert bosses are lots of fun, though). Other than that, it

Lots of people have. This shit isn’t new, dude.

This is why I haven’t bought your fucking game yet, Ubisoft! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER.

I’m glad they listed San Jose, since I live there. My income is less than what they state ($89k or so), however I live in a remarkably cheap apartment and have no immediate plans to leave it. $1000 a month for a one-bedroom, which, sadly, is now extraordinarily low for San Jose. A building just opened up a mile or so

Horse shit.

Downtime for major companies can equal millions of dollars in lost business, depending on what services are interrupted and for how long. DDoS attacks definitely hurt their targets.

Perhaps Blizzard wouldn’t have been the target this time around if they weren’t being a bunch of gigantic assholes to their fans. But you

Do not back Kickstarter campaigns for projects coming from teams who have no bloody idea what they’re doing. Look at the histories of the people/companies involved. If they have no experience manufacturing and distributing a consumer product before, don’t give them your fucking money, idiots.

My order page has been updated saying my Vive will ship out in May, instead of April.

I pre-ordered within 6 hours of the thing being made available, not sure why I have to wait an extra month.

Masturbating 15 year olds don’t give a shit that the girl’s hair falls through the character geometry or ground, or whatever.

And that explains why Tecmo doesn’t give a shit.

Fuck the bosses in this. Fuck them all over the place. In their eyes, through their noses, down their lungs and into their spleens. I’ll admit that I cheated when it came to the boss fights. I can only die so many times (at least 20 or 30) trying to kill one god damned boss before I say fuck it and cheat.

Cheat Engine

“Lessons in Paranoia” by a certified paranoid.

I’m fine.

People are sick and fucking tired of literally burning their money away on gasoline. It wasn’t difficult to assume that demand for these things would be enormous.

And that’s why I stood in line for 4 hours to secure my car. I’m reasonably sure my car will be one of the first 10-20,000 produced, and I’ll likely get it

This post is where I learn that there’s a fucking Battletoad in the new Killer Instinct.


I did try it, yeah. For $400 or whatever it costs, I want something that feels a lot more solid. I felt like the HOTAS stick would snap in half if I dropped it the wrong way D:

I too would like to know more about this new Saitek. Links? Articles? Model #? etc? I was going to get the TM Warthog but its lack of z-axis rotation killed that idea, and the X-55 feels like it’s made of cheap, shitty plastic.