An Atheist Jew

As if we needed more evidence that digital distribution platforms are killing Gamestop and other brick-and-morter moneytraps, from what I could tell that 12 page Black Friday spread has 1 (one) PC game advertised - Fallout 4.

Nope, not paying for a fucking team shooter when there’s TF2, Gigantic and others that are free. Battleborn looks interesting, too, but Gearbox/2K also want money for that so I’ll not be playing that, either. If 2K had any sense they’d release Battleborn for free and rake in the ridiculous microtransaction monies that

Anyone who saw the Overwatch introductory trailer and didn’t think that it was going to be a cross-medium franchise is...well, unobservant.

Of course they’re going to be making movies and TV shows and other shit. Overwatch in particular is a franchise that screams “I’ll be everywhere”.

I remember that, but I would contend that Apple, which is one of the most profitable companies in the history of ever, is a significant power in the corporate and tech worlds and doesn’t need to care about Gizmodo’s coverage. Bethsoft/Zenimax is significantly smaller, and still (within reason) needs to contend for! No, I don’t like embargoes! You heard wrong. Check your sources.

I did game journo work (though I’m loathe to call it that - it’s criticism and news reposting, not journalism) for 8 years. Yes, I’m certainly in a better position than you are to call myself that.

I’m glad you check so many websites for your gaming news. Good for you. You are probably a smart consumer.

You are not

Oh for fuck’s sake, just break the embargo. It’s Kotaku. What are they gonna do, deprive you of review copies, so that your 13 million monthly uniques won’t see your review of their game?

Yeah, that’s an excellent business decision on their part.

Just do what you want. Embargoes are horse shit. I worked in games

The most innovative UI I’ve seen in gaming in the last 15 years has been in the Dead Space games. You’re not the user the interface was designed for! It’s Isaac’s. That is fucking brilliant, and doesn’t get nearly as much attention as it deserves. you not know the image? :(

The sad thing (I guess) about PS4 and Xbone gamers is that they’re also using PCs, just with custom versions of FreeBSD and Windows as their operating systems, and outdated hardware that was obsolete 6 months before the systems even launched.

For fuck’s sake, just learn about computers and build your own beast. JOIN

Tough shit.

Thanks, however that statement is poorly applied as a response, since I wasn’t making an anecdote, and my sentence was only five words long. The insult stands. See, now if you said COOL STORY BRO to this response, that would have been more applicable. But it’s too late.

Pathetic, albeit typical, racism. This kind of xenophobic idiocy has to stop.


You are an massive idiot.

“You absolutely 100%, undeniably just destroyed THE greatest FPS ever created.”

This person hasn’t played a lot of FPS games, apparently.

The problem with Spore is that in the end, it was an EA game. Paid for by EA, slaved away on by EA employees, published by EA.

And EA does not give two shits about things like proper development cycles, valuing its employees, or the creative process. They care about *money*, which is fine since they’re a corporation,

No. Because I’m not a petulant child. Even when I was I a kid I never threw my game controllers or anything else!

Meetings at Tech companies are unnecessarily and PAINFULLY long, frequent, and absolutely redundant. Those are apt names. I’m at Google at the moment, and we have sometimes back to back meetings for days at a time. Why? NOTHING GETS DONE IF WE’RE JUST TALKING ABOUT SHIT ALL DAY.

Nobody dares speak up, of course.

Take some solace in the fact that the instant I’m able to afford it, I’ll be permanently leaving the country. Fuck the US. It’s a lost cause, and I’m sick of a living in it. Every other 1st world nation in the world has their shit together in so many ways that it makes staying in the US a huge waste of my time and

“Overlord is a boring power fantasy”

There. Fixed that title for you. Seriously it was easily one of the most boring shows of the last season. The main character and his cronies are so bloody powerful, nothing in the world could possibly threaten him. Even the last fight of the season, which was supposedly a hard fight