An Atheist Jew

I’m sure the miserable failure of the Wii U under his stewardship has *nothing* to do with it.

WELL! There’s no way of replying to two people at once, because Kinja is a piece of shit.

Oh, get over yourselves.

I have :( I’ve basically gotten in touch with every ISP that serves this area and none of them offer speeds faster than 6 mbps due to the lack of infrastructure. I should also mention that I live in the Burbank neighborhood of San Jose (between Bascom and Meridian on West San Carlos), and this whole neighborhood is

Unfortunately the only cable provider to this neighborhood is ComCast, and they are evil on multiple levels. Plus their cable speeds are capped out at 10 mbps or something :\ I’d rather suffer with slow internet than willingly give those cocks my money.

I’m using an ISP called DSL extreme. It costs $40 a month for my shitty bandwidth, but I don’t have to worry about bandwidth caps or receiving C&D letters regarding my piracy efforts, so it’s worth it in the end.

I live in the very smack center of San Jose, for the most part what is Silicon Valley. Google is 12 miles from my apartment, and I worked there for a good while.

My neighborhood doesn’t have fiber-optic infrastructure. It was never built, and as far as I know, there are no plans to build it here. As such my bandwidth

My excuse for not backing up my computer:

Better than anything Lucas came up with for any of the prequel films.

Neat. The only problem with this is that the Nolan Batman costume looked like shit.

Okay, stop. Q isn't a villain. He never has been. Your note at the bottom of the article shows that you drastically misunderstand the character , his motivations, responsibilities, and his importance in TNG and Star Trek in general.

You aren't the first person to propose this. A Section 31 series would be *awesome*. They could even make it a half-historical show to set the universe for new viewers for the first couple seasons, show how S31 was behind the scenes during major events across the previous shows.

Uh, weren't they in talks with Michael Dorn to do a series all about Worf? I thought that was very-nearly a real thing. What the hell hapened to that?

I didn't know Oku was doing a new series. Thanks for the heads up!

I don't need to feel bad for zombies. I hate zombies. Shawn having to shoot his mother in the face was bad enough, but THIS? I can only take so much sad.

My worst PC Gaming story?

You know, I can't remember the last time I was nauseous. I mean, you know, other than just now, from watching that fucking video.

HEY! The first Steel Battalion was not a terrible game. It was *GREAT*, albeit with some flaws. The controller only made it better.

Now playing

I remember seeing this trailer for it way back when it was called Molly Star Racer and thought "Hey! That's pretty cool lookin'." And then never heard anything from it again. I thought it was canceled, actually, or never even got made. I should try to grab the series, the character designs looked great.

Why would you possibly want to subject a child to the most depressing and sad thing ever put to television?