An Atheist Jew
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Thanks for adding the subs, Toshi, but I can't imagine why you would possibly want to replace the amazing Japanese voice acting with English dubs. The Ryu no Gotoku series has consistently had some of the best performances in Japanese games in years. Replacing that awesome work with English would reduce the impact of

That is fucking pathetic.

You're right, they can. Of course, that doesn't mean it's not also fucking stupid to call it anything other than it is. They're using the term "hologram" and "holographic" as buzzwords to fuel their PR. This has absolutely nothing to do with holographic technology.

It's augmented reality. Can we stop calling it anything other than that, please? Right now?

If I can't switch the voice acting to Japanese, I'm not interested.

Why make the free-to-play announcement now? According to Firor, with a ton of content in the game and the console versions on the way, the time was just right. There'd really be no point to set up the complicated infrastructure necessary to accept console subscription fees and then take them away a couple of months

If you're into technology and video games, but you're not interested in VR, you are a fool. That's all there is to it. Bye.

Why duh? She could have easily been the 5th one as far as I know. I didn't watch the show for longer than a few weeks.

Wait wait wait, I thought the Yellow Ranger was an Asian chick? And she died in a car accident or something? (Shows I didn't read the article enough)

It seems the audio logs don't have any post-processing effects that should make them audio logs. So I'll pass.

The Rolling Girls

This is just not cool. You don't fuck with the "covers = shield from horrible death" thing. That's a sacred rule. Without it, children would be terrified of the night, and the illusion of the safety of the bed would be for naught.

I need to know the source of this.

WHICH publishers told them to switch the leads to men? This kind of shit can only be solved through public shaming.

Idiots. All of them. Waiting in line for shit, fine, whatever, but waiting in line in the SNOW, in subzero temperatures?

This is an amazing skill set, but it gives the impression that the kids have a serious developmental disorder. Also, for all their math skills, how many of those poor kids will be relegated to doing customer support for apple?

I find it amazing that such a stupid huge ugly idiotic thing was able to secure enough funding for development and prototype production, and yet I can't figure out how to put my GOOD ideas into the development pipeline. What the fuck.

Clearly, Jesus, you haven't seen Rare Exports. You should watch that, because this is basically a sequel, and I'm SO excited!

A mouse and keyboard would probably work for me, but I'd prefer a whole joystick/pedal/throttle-stick setup with an oculus, or three large 60-70" curved LCD TVs. Obviously for more than just Elite, but it'd be so sweet with all that.