This can’t be her fault though! Someone’s gotta be nearby to point to her when it’s time. If you miss a cue you can’t unmiss it. She gets some blame surely, but it’s more of the producers’ fault!
This can’t be her fault though! Someone’s gotta be nearby to point to her when it’s time. If you miss a cue you can’t unmiss it. She gets some blame surely, but it’s more of the producers’ fault!
This looks more like terribly inept panda keeping to me. Was this from some sort of “lets see random people try to care for some pandas” game show?
I was kinda hoping that in an “enemy of my enemy is my friend” sort of way, Simmons being ousted by—then consistently bitching about—ESPN would somehow lead to a thawing in relations between him and Deadspin. Or at least, more open lines of communication. So far no dice; but maybe now that Harvilla works at the Ringer…
Another reason I’m seriously fucking afraid of a Trump presidency: This article makes me think Trump might nominate Cruz for SCOTUS…
Is Draper auditioning for a roster spot at the Ringer or something?
Good one. I forgot how ridiculous his shot was, all twisting and falling away like that! I included it in my roundup, thanks for submitting:…
Good call on both! I included them here:…
I had totally forgotten about this one! Thanks for reminding me. I included it here:…
Thanks for your suggestion! I included it in a roundup of tragedies:
He grabbed the guy’s leg! How could that NOT be called interference?
*SB 49
Ack! I first wrote it in Roman Numerals but when I switched to numbers, I totally messed up the translation. Thanks.
Marcus Paige’s three-pointer
I already hate the Adam Sandler movie based on this guy.
What you just described is the scene in Pure Luck where Martin Short is brought into the conference room and told to sit anywhere, and chooses the one chair out of thirty with the broken leg.
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I totally thought the Eaton “leader” comment was meant sarcastically. I read it the tweet as: “We lost a LEADER [wanking motion] in Drake” — but he was SERIOUS?
While yes, this is all pretty silly, and yes, I can be just as cynical as the next Gawker commenter, I actually—and I can’t believe I’m saying this—agree(?) with these Republicans(!?!) that magic is an art form. It can be hokey and hammy and kitchy, but when done well, it can also be impressive and captivating…
All because one little bouncy ping pong ball went left instead of right in 1997.