Jet Blakc

In the November 8 election, the name change was overwhelmingly rejected by a vote of 2,388 to 219

You’re out of your mind. Houston’s version is the standard by which all other renditions have been judged since that awesome moment in ‘91.

Isn’t the author shaming black men(continually for weeks) who have chosen not to partake in the boycott? That’s disrespect, no?

Having a hard time seeing how you’re getting from point A (Trump telling the NFL to fire people) to point B (boycotting the NFL who hasn’t fired anyone).

Don’t give up! I think this is a great discussion. You said Alicia is a literal homewrecker. Roo disagreed. Both of you made interesting arguments. How is this bad?

Just because you can’t see it – regardless of evidence of your own communications, clearly laid out – it doesn’t follow that it’s not there.

Swizz gets 100%

I’m good for a gallon a day and my legs look like I Muay Thai’d the fuck out of some ghosts if I don’t get on that cocoa butter.

It doesn’t matter if one was single or not.

I don’t have to assume it since you already did it.

I love how you want to give them “equal blame” when one of them was already married and one of them was ... not.

I mean go fuck yourself

Even while pregnant, and I’ve heard this on multiple occasions, “I’ll give that baby some food.”

I’m betting you are not a Black woman. So you don’t know (and I’m guessing, don’t really care) what our reality is.

I swear to all things holy, if you start with that #notallmen horseshit, without actually listening and heeded what the brother is saying, I hope ED finds you right at the end of you hashtagging.

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

You know which group is playing the game of life on hardcore settings? Black transwomen. Those women get the knocks from every direction. I wish I had half their strength of character and sense of self. I do wish that indeed. I’m glad that I don’t need it though, that I have enough privilege to duck out on most of the

Let me find my seat real quick because the umar stans are coming.

I’m not sure when the military and police decided they had exclusive claim to the American Flag and the National Anthem, but it’s long past time we put them in their place. Kneeling during the Anthem is not disrespecting military service. The Anthem represents our country, not the military. Our flag does not represent

Yeah, it’s totally suspicious when you respond to a call about gunshots and find people running away and ducking behind cover.