Jet Blakc

You ever notice that you can go through an entire massive convention and not find one black person that painted themselves white for cosplay?

Did you consider that before you wrote this?

Blackface and minstrelsy were both a thing in Europe too. Thanks for playing, read more history before you make arguments about history.

You do. Despite being nearly consumed with rage in his early career he was fucking brilliant.

I in a complete departure from previous form Trump stood up to China on that issue just today and blacklisted a ton of Chinese tech companies.

He’s got a new album coming out.

This is how he generates hype and publicity.

Y’ll are feeding this monster.


Y’all are trying to get that poor boy killed. Clearly you’re not watching the same games that I am. 

Jesus, if you don’t know how this works, sit back and let him do a  journalism.

$8,800 a month pension

Because there are lots of racists in america and almost none of them run around retail parking lots yelling racist beliefs at no one in particular.

If you’d ever actually looked at data or facts you’d know that trans ppl have far more to fear from the cis community than the other way around.

People need to leave that lil girl’s hair alone! Someone lets a kid look like a kid once and people lose their got-damned minds.

How do you think the ranks of these gangs stay full? No shortage of these morons. This one is just way more famous than most and they happen to get caught while kidnapping him.

“Like, yes, it’s shitty if these people are receiving offensive/harassing tweets. But sorry, this doesn’t really address the valid criticisms of how the WFP arrives at its endorsements. “

1. This is the whitest shit I’ve read today. “Sorry bout the racism bro, but we didn’t get the endorsement we wanted and we’re super

You could replace Iran with the USA and Houthi with Saudi in that statement, you know. Would that then justify someone taking military action against us?

Or do we only get animated when ppl attack oil infrastructure.

We aren’t intervening in any way to save millions of Yemeni, I’ll be goddamned if I don’t resist

People like this are why jails need to exist. 

they were designed to fit in the hand well, ubiquitous and sharp as hell. Why are they not good in a fight?

“Liztopher Columbus Warren who has done nothing but steal ideas from Kamala Harris and Julian Castro. “

Lost your got-damn mind.  

This is ridiculous. Why should hair rules be gendered?

Also, the headline here is inaccurate: they gave her 4 choices not two. But they need to mind their own damn business and teach!

And then I wish that there was a version of the show where I could laugh out loud and I switch to Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 

Are you shocked by the notion that something created in the USA in the year of our lord 1940 might be in the service of entitled white men?