Jet Blakc

How do you think the ranks of these gangs stay full? No shortage of these morons. This one is just way more famous than most and they happen to get caught while kidnapping him.

“Like, yes, it’s shitty if these people are receiving offensive/harassing tweets. But sorry, this doesn’t really address the valid criticisms of how the WFP arrives at its endorsements. “

1. This is the whitest shit I’ve read today. “Sorry bout the racism bro, but we didn’t get the endorsement we wanted and we’re super

You could replace Iran with the USA and Houthi with Saudi in that statement, you know. Would that then justify someone taking military action against us?

Or do we only get animated when ppl attack oil infrastructure.

We aren’t intervening in any way to save millions of Yemeni, I’ll be goddamned if I don’t resist

People like this are why jails need to exist. 

they were designed to fit in the hand well, ubiquitous and sharp as hell. Why are they not good in a fight?

“Liztopher Columbus Warren who has done nothing but steal ideas from Kamala Harris and Julian Castro. “

Lost your got-damn mind.  

This is ridiculous. Why should hair rules be gendered?

Also, the headline here is inaccurate: they gave her 4 choices not two. But they need to mind their own damn business and teach!

Are you shocked by the notion that something created in the USA in the year of our lord 1940 might be in the service of entitled white men?

We used to make fun of ppl that said everything is upside down and backwards in Australia, but this is about as far from the 60 Minutes we know as I can imagine.

Also, obsession with the royal family is dumb. It’s just another set of rich people that became so through the literal murder and oppression of others. We

Wow you literally just said, "But he has gay friends!"

This certainty is unfounded. What is certain is that people levelled fair criticism and he deflected and played dumb in that statement.

The wars and famines that ppl are being relieved from are started by ppl quoting scripture as well.

Because corruption and greed aren’t regulated by skin color. The ppl of SA traded a class of white oppressors for a class of mostly black oppressors that blame most problems on the remaining rich white ppl in SA.

Every response I see here is completely ignoring the kids of 1st generation immigrants that come here and bust their asses academically from a young age for academic achievement.

You seem to have this caricature of rich white kids who hire tutors to get ahead (and yes they exist too), and ignoring all of the other

Jesus Walks wasn’t even the best or most innovative song on that album.

As I’m likely to be dismissed anyway I’m gonna point out that Stan was so impactful that the word is not only a name and a noun now, it’s also a verb.

That’s worth recognition, IMO.

I’m gonna see that and raise you “not having to worry about the reigning king of comedy sandbagging your career because you told him you didn’t want to watch him jack off”

nah it’s the flat part of the wing, as opposed to the “drum”.

G’damn we have been well, thoroughly and truly terrorized.

Kanye was factually correct. His behavior was (and is) the problem.