This…actually sounds like a really interesting idea. Here's hoping it gains some traction.
True/False tests in a world full of "it depends"
Worthwhile enough to get a dick like you to respond.
No way is it anywhere close to a cell phone conversation in my experience. For one, it's not interactive — you just listen and let your mind do the rest. I have to focus too much on a phone conversation to the point that I know I'm not paying enough attention (so I don't do it), but I've never had the problem with…
When it comes to software? yes. Otherwise I have a website you need to go to and click on every single link for me.
People complain about Facebook whenever they change their user experience, but frankly, they're not dumb there, and if they had left it as-is, people would have moved on a long time ago.
Microsoft's top marketer tossed a juicy hunk of red meat to his kind of people yesterday. While Xbox One isn't…
That's just wishing for a Steam Box.
Badly is what I would imagine.
Fuck DX and fully support OpenGL.
Gabe didn't like the way windows was going... awesome announce.
King is upset because he is by definition a populist writer. He writes horror, but he wants it to be safe horror, he doesn't really want to upset anybody. The movie was much better than the book. If he wants to get cheap commendations from the public by saying it's "misogynistic" than he'll do it. Seriously?…
You mean Bomberman?
These Half Life 3 confirmed "jokes" seriously need to stop. They weren't funny 3 years ago, they aren't funny now. They are just stupid.
90% of anime is a "boring, unengaging" mess. It's not like it's breaking any conventions.
It's not strictly a GAME, but if you're not rocking this on your Android, you're missing out.
Here's my list of best Android games:
Please don't stop them from teaching your daughter to sound out the words. Research has proven that early on it makes slower and choppier readers, but later on it actually help for a number of reason. 1. They are able to figure out words they do not know by sounding them out, 2. They learn how to actually think…